Tag: Zoom
FIR 208: A timely PR stunt at the G7
Shel and I had such a rich selection of topics to discuss in the June episode of The Hobson & Holtz Report podcast, aka FIR 208 – recorded during the weekend of the G7 meeting – that it was quite…
FIR 202: We Regret any Inconvenience
Of all the topics Shel and I discussed in the December episode of The Hobson & Holtz Report aka FIR 202, published last week, two in particular stand out for me. The first addresses the way in which organisations make…
FIR ZoomChat 9: Zoom Better
The ninth weekly ZoomChat conversation with FIR hosts and listeners covered (among other things) how to make Zoom meetings more engaging. As with each of these informal and unstructured chats, we do them live via Zoom, recording each one as…
FIR 194: The Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020
The April episode of “The Hobson & Holtz Report” continues the coronavirus theme from March with conversations about… Our experience being Zoombombed The role of social media during Covid-19 How toilet paper companies are responding to online criticism over shortages…
FIR Zoom Chat 4: Zoom burnout
With so many people using video conferencing tools – especially Zoom – in their new-normal working from home lockdown environment, there’s a rise in anxiety and stress when it comes to using a tool like this as your primary method…