Tag: ZoomChat
FIR ZoomChat 9: Zoom Better
The ninth weekly ZoomChat conversation with FIR hosts and listeners covered (among other things) how to make Zoom meetings more engaging. As with each of these informal and unstructured chats, we do them live via Zoom, recording each one as…
FIR ZoomChat 8: Evil Fictitious Corporations
The eighth weekly Zoom conversation with FIR hosts and listeners covered a lot of ground, including a look at Phil Gomes’ collection of mugs featuring the logos of evil corporations from movies. Not to worry, there was lots of communication-focused…
FIR ZoomChat 7: Conference Ribbons
The seventh weekly Zoom Chat featuring listeners and FIR co-hosts Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz in conversation took place last Thursday. As with each of these informal chats, we do them live via Zoom, recording each one as we go.…
FIR ZoomChat 6: Short Memories
Last Thursday, Shel and I recorded the sixth weekly ZoomChat where we engage in informal discussion with FIR listeners. Each episode is typically up to an hour although I’m usually there only for the first 30 minutes (part of my…
FIR Zoom Chat 5: How We’ll Get Back to Work
The fifth weekly Zoom Chat featuring listeners and FIR co-hosts Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz. Our primary discussion continues to focus on coronavirus and lockdowns, and how communicators, businesses, and whole industries – automotive and airlines to name but two…