Just before I launched this blog, I noted that my Technorati ranking had disappeared beyond the solar system as I started from scratch here. As inbound links started coming in as the blog was discovered by people (before I said anything about it), I began to question my trust in Technorati’s information as it continued to show no connectivity.

Kami Huyse explained a little about how and when Technorati data is updated, so that helped understand a bit about discrepancies in information.

So finally, Technorati now reflects a bit more realism in how many other sites link to this one. Here’s the snapshot today:

A week ago, that rank was “1,119,456 (0 links from 0 sites).” Well, it could only go up.

A clarity point. Some people have emailed me to ask why I’m so hung up about my Technorati rank. I’m not, believe me. Where this blog appears on any kind of index or popularity list is of no special interest. What I am concerned about, as I’ve posted about before, is the discrepancy in information about this blog on Technorati itself where one part of their site says one thing and another part says something different.

So why should I trust this latest information? I have no idea how accurate it is. Well, all I can say is that it looks a little more realistic as I can see many of the blogs Technorati now says link here and see those links. It also reflects what my server stats are telling me.

Now that I can see some upward movement that looks believable, time to move on.