A positive conclusion re my ‘cease and desist’ post yesterday.
WSUN Technologies responded immediately to my request to stop using my content on their blog without permission:
[…] WSUN Technologies does not tolerate copyright infringement of any kind. The violating user has been banned and their rss.xml has been deleted from our list of feeds to be syndicated by us. We sincerely apologize for any aggravation this may have caused. We will gladly delete any posted article if the respective owner wishes for us to do so.
I appreciate their prompt action to sort this out.
I have to add, though, that glancing through their blog again just now, I recognize a couple of posts from other bloggers which are in my RSS reader from their own blogs where, as with my example, the complete content is posted on the WSUNTech blog with no attribution at all.
This one, for instance, originally posted by Robert Scoble on July 12. Or this one which was originally posted by Nathan Weinberg also on July 12.
I doubt those guys know about this or, if they do, perhaps they don’t mind. Fair enough if so. But no attribution? I’d be very surprised indeed if these two bloggers would be happy with that. While neither Robert’s nor Nathan’s blog has Creative Commons licenses shown, Robert’s does have a clear copyright statement.
WSUNTech, I think you need to take a very close look at what your users are posting on your blog.
4 responses to “Thanks, WSUNTech, but you still need to fix some things”
Great concern has been in the focus of my attention today. How can we offer copyright protection as a service if we are not honoring copyrights?
The excuse of our clients posting infringed articles does not fly with me.
I had a meeting today with the entire executive board regarding this matter and as a result of the meeting we have decided to dump all posts on the entire blog The Web “Inside and Out”.
The blog will be converted to a staff and executive blog only. We will now prohibit any posting from and registered users. However, we will allow comments as long as they meet the requirements during moderation.
I personally sincerely apologize to any domain owners who have suffered from their content works being infringed upon. I also apologize to any registered users who may have legitimately posted their own content works.
We can not verify that every blog post is legitimate unless we post them ourselves. We are now regrouping ideas regarding the blog to rectify any issues resulting from the infringement of content and refocusing our efforts on providing unique content articles for our current users and subscribers.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me directly.
Kind regards,
Jason Jersey, CEO CNOA
WSUN Technologies
1-(209) 885-4211
Jason, thanks for responding so positively on this issue of copyright. That’s a bold move you’ve made!
My most respect goes out to Neville Hobson nevillehobson.com of the Hobson & Holtz Report http://www.forimmediaterelease.biz for Neville’s outstanding review on my company WSUN Technologies. Recently, I have posted a blog article titled: From The Desk of WSUNTech CEO and CNOA regarding to our client’s blog postings of their blogged content. We have received a few of the same complaints. Several members of our blog haven’t been meeting up with their posts after all. On July 14th I held a meeting with my executive board to revamp The Web “Inside and Out†http://www.wsuntech.com/esh for allegations regarding copyright infringement from our registered members. As a result of this meeting we all equally agreed to delete all posted from our blog. My company WSUN Technologies has already started working on a turn around for our blog. However, in the same time frame we have added for our members whom do have personal feeds they would wish to share with the community on our new free service “The Feed Syndicate†http://www.wsuntech.com/feeds . The “The Feed Syndicate†offers the ability to visible post your own live feeds with full copyright attribution and offering the ability to submit your website link for free to be indexed in our links Page. A great way to promote content. Today, Neville featured on the Hobson & Holtz Report his opinion on the turnaround of The Web “Inside and Out†which is our company blog. Neville begins by describing the incidents from last week which lead us to investigate the sincerity of each post our users were posting and continues to tell about his entire infringement claim. Due to our responsiveness Neville Hobson reviewed us on his show as a “Pretty Damn Good Companyâ€. WSUN Technologies was founded in 1998 striving to provide high end web services known as Enterprise Standard. That goes for our support as well. Mission critical web services demands for mission critical results.
I can speak on behalf of WSUN technologies when I say we really appreciate your compliments and understanding. We strongly respect your work along with the Hobson & Holtz Report. An excellent weekly Pod Cast regarding all types of blog and website oriented topics. My opinion of the Pod Cast is that it sounds very educated and informative. Highly recommended!
– Jason Jersey
As posted on:
[…] One thing that’s prompted me to do this is the issue I had recently regarding unauthorized use of my content (successfully resolved) plus increasingly receiving trackbacks from some people who have absolutely no clear reason to trackback other than to gain some linkage. I’ve also been observing some of the reactions to Dell’s new blog by some of the, let’s say, more hysterical inhabitants of the blogosphere. […]