If you visit this site during the next few hours, you will encounter some odd things, both in appearance and functionality, as I upgrade the site to the latest WordPress version 2.1.1.
At the same time, I’ll be upgrading the K2 theme to the latest public build, 0.9.5 RC1. Or maybe not – if I encounter problems with K2 due to not being able to figure out how to make it do certain things (as I have in my experimentation), there might be a sudden new look-and-feel for a while.
I’d planned to do this upgrade earlier this morning but the longer-than-expected DreamHost outage this weekend scuppered that plan.
Status update(s) to follow.
[Update @ 6:35pm:] There appear to be some lingering issues at DreamHost as logging in to the admin dashboard has been a bit hit and miss for the past hour or so. Just noticed that the comment count on the Dreamhost post about today’s outage has gone past 570 with a large number of unhappy customers among the many whingers.
So is doing the WP upgrade at a time when there has been a massive problem at the hosting service a good idea? Maybe not. So what I’ll complete for now is the initial prep work (backing up the database and backing up the entire current WP installation) which will take a bit of time. Then consider next steps.
[Update @ 9:47pm:] Upgrading postponed for today. I want to see a clear status report from DreamHost first rather than read the mounting number of comments on the blog (now over 720). No status report yet although I’m certain the remaining issues will be resolved pretty soon. Just a bit close for comfort to be upgrading WP at the moment. During the coming week if I have time, or next weekend.
One response to “Upgrading to latest WordPress”
boo! thumbs down!