A recruitment ad for a Sr. Manager – Emerging Media Marketing Job at US retailer Best Buy includes an item under the “Preferred Qualifications” heading that applicants have “250 plus followers on Twitter.”


I guess it’s one way of noting a preference that applicants are savvy, active and connected in the twittersphere and, by implication, might have a better understanding of how social media tools like this work in a business context.

I’m not surprised to see this in a recruitment ad by Best Buy.

This is the company whose President and COO (now CEO), Brian J. Dunn – who, incidentally, is on Twitter – was awarded the IABC EXCEL Award this year and whose keynote address about communication at the IABC conference in San Francisco in early June was one of the most inspiring I’ve ever heard from a senior corporate executive of any company (here’s a taste of what Dunn said, in a brief Audioboo I recorded from my spot in the auditorium).

The IABC EXCEL Award recognizes leaders who foster excellence in communication and contribute to the development and support of organizational communication.

So, Twitter followers as a preferred “qualification” when recruiting. Is this a sign of the (coming) times?

This has clearly captured many people’s imaginations this morning, judging by the number of retweets of my original post on Friendfeed about it, as well as retweets of this blog post.

(Via Nathan Driver)

[Later] A comment by Best Buy’s Joshua Kahn talked about a new development regarding this recruitment opening that would be posted today on Barry Judge’s blog. He is Best Buy’s CMO.

Sure enough, there is now a post that opens up an intriguing development in what I’d call the co-creation of a job description in a way that would make a distinct connection with people who have an interest in the company, not only those looking for a job. There’s also the huge buzz potential that gets Best Buy talked about.

[…] In following the conversation around this job posting we discovered that many people had other ideas for how this job description should look, and what the qualifications should be.  We realized that perhaps we hadn’t thought of everything.  Beyond that we thought perhaps we could find a way to enable a more pointed discussion about this relatively new job category of Emerging Media.

It seemed to us to be a natural progression to get the community involved in crafting the job description and qualifications. So that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

We’d like you, (yes all of you), to help us write the job description for our Sr Manager of Emerging Media Marketing job.

We’d also like you all to help us pick the best description.

Here’s How To Participate

1. Starting now, until Tuesday, July 14th, at 5pm central submit your job description idea to our Best Buy IdeaX site.  IdeaX is a site where people like you can share your own ideas on how to make Best Buy better – through idea posts, popular vote and discussions with the rest of the IdeaX community.

I do like the rationale Judge expresses, especially his number 2 point:

This role is a new one for us as it likely is for other companies. We have a lot of smart and social media savvy people here and amongst our partners and friends.  However, there are a larger number of smart and social media savvy people “out there”. So instead of thinking we know it all, we’d like to increase our chances of getting it right by surveying the wisdom of the industry.

Sort of an Ideastorm for HR.

This should catch on.

134 responses to “Job requirement: Twitter followers”

  1. Alastair McKenzie avatar

    Bottoms! I have 249 followers.

    1. neville avatar

      Heh, better get clicking!

  2. Eden Spodek avatar

    I’m not surprised at all. Other companies think this way, Best Buy is just the first one bold enough to say so in a recruitment ad. During my recent job search, I met with several companies both in-house and agency side. A couple roles I considered made it clear they were interested in me in part because of the size of my Twitter following.

    1. neville avatar

      That’s an interesting point, Eden, re your own experience. Not heard of that here in the UK, but I think it’s just a matter of time.

      1. david cushman avatar

        One’s connectedness has always been valued by potential employers in key roles. But it is very cool to see the fuzzy-edged adhoc group forming connectedness of twitter specifically.

      2. John V Willshire avatar

        At the moment, I think it’s probably smart… but as soon as it becomes common practice amongst employers, then the first thing anyone will do to get a new job is purposely scale-up their twitter followers… they’ll accept anyone, including any spam followers, and follow folks they don’t really want to in hope of a return-path follow…

        It’s arguably an example of old world thinking clouding a new world opportunity? “Lots is good, let’s get lots, everything else will work itself out afterwords…”

        1. Eden Spodek avatar

          John, you make an excellent point about scaling up your twitter followers. Interestingly enough, none of those companies asked how I engaged with people on twitter (or other platforms.)

  3. BuildFollowers (Build Followers) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job requirement: Twitter followers — NevilleHobson.com [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  4. michelfortin (Michel Fortin) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Reading: Job requirement: Twitter followers? [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  5. LKentMartin (Kent Martin) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Sign o’ the times: RT @michelfortinReading: Job requirement: Twitter followers? [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  6. mattuk (Matt Sawyer) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job requirement: Twitter followers – [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

    1. pviktor (P.Viktor) avatar

      Twitter Comment

      @mattuk That’s pretty cool – it’s nice to see some innovation when it comes to job advertisements instead of usual crap.

      Posted using Chat Catcher

  7. corblimey (Ryan Colet) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @mattuk Job requirement: Twitter followers – [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  8. Daan83 (Daan Jansonius) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @mattuk: Job requirement: Twitter followers – [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  9. filippocioni (Filippo Cioni) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Photo: Crazy World! From ( [link to post]
    ) http://tumblr.com/xmd2a05r1

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  10. Szczepanik (Mark Szczepanik) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  11. Rosalie_V3 (Rosalie Marshall) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @mattuk Jobs starting to require applicants to have certain number of Twitter followers – [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

    1. Maxicom (Max Tatton-Brown) avatar

      Twitter Comment

      @Rosalie_V3 At first, I thought that meant STEVE Jobs was requiring applicants to have a certain number of followers…

      Posted using Chat Catcher

  12. rebeccaodell (Rebecca Odell) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Szczepanik RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  13. Maxicom (Max Tatton-Brown) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Marketing Job ad require applicants to have certain number of Twitter followers – [link to post] (via @mattuk)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  14. Mike Driehorst avatar

    Numbers are nice, and like a lot of numbers and other metrics in social media, how do you quantify them? I bet about 15-20+% of my followers (1300+) are nothing more than get-rich-quick or porn accounts — ones I definitely do not follow back.

    So, my follower numbers may look good, but they’re not really “real.” Most of are high-quality — and I appreciate the compliment with the follow — but how does one convey quality in a brief profile?
    Thanks for the post, Neville (and thanks to @OnwardSearch on Twitter for the pointer).

  15. EbA (Eb Adeyeri) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Rosalie_V3: RT @mattuk Jobs starting to require applicants to have certain number of Twitter followers – [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  16. Akhia (AKHIA) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT: @Szczepanik RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  17. hayleyrob (Hayley Roberts) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Maxicom: Marketing Job ad require applicants to have certain number of Twitter followers – [link to post] (via @mattuk)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  18. leopaduch (leopaduch) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @darringrella: RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  19. schup (Paul Schupanitz) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Szczepanik RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  20. Lokitis (Sarah Lokitis) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    I guess the number of Twitter followers you have adds up to recommendations these days.. [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  21. agent0x0 (Tom) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post] <-- srsly? – Posted using Chat Catcher

  22. mattorchard (Matt Hackett) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Marketing Job Ad that has requirement for applicants to have 250+ Twitter followers – [link to post] (via @mattuk)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  23. Lisa_McGauley (Lisa_McGauley) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Maxicom Marketing Job ad require applicants to have certain number of Twitter followers – [link to post] (via @mattuk)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  24. sehart (Steve Hart) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Szczepanik: RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  25. PRNicoleV (Nicole VanScoten) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Aerocles @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… 1 job requirement is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  26. NigelBarlow (NigelBarlow) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    rt @mattorchard Marketing Job Ad that has requirement for applicants to have 250+ Twitter followers – [link to post] (via @mattuk)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  27. DiarmuidMallon (Diarmuid Mallon) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @tomiahonen: job used need driver’s license RT @davidcushman Job description demands 250+ twitter followers @jangles [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  28. tom_harper (tom_harper) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @pviktor Job requirement: Twitter followers [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  29. petterigunther (Petteri Günther) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @davidcushman Job description demands 250+ twitter followers. Neat. Via @jangles [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  30. kristeclectic (Krist) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Not neat. It’s a measure of nothing. You could get 250 followers in a day by finding people who autofollow. [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  31. petterigunther (Petteri Günther) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    The way of the future? RT @davidcushman Job description demands 250+ twitter followers. Neat. Via @jangles [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  32. Joshua Kahn avatar

    Hey Neville, I’m on the staffing team at Best Buy. I’m the guy who originally tweeted this out to Jason Falls, Jeremiah Owyang, et al.

    Keep your eye on http://barryjudge.com (the blog for Best Buy’s CMO) today for a new development related to this job and qualifications.



    1. neville avatar

      Thanks for the heads up, Joshua. I see the new development you mention is now posted on Barry Judge’s blog. I’ve updated my post to reflect that.

      Nice work on this!

  33. […] is a very interesting article over at NevilleHobson.com this morning titled “Job requirement: Twitter followers” that discusses a recent job posting by BestBuy in which there is a preffered qualification […]

  34. freshux (James Tomaszewski) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job requirement: Twitter followers – [link to post] (via @mattuk)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  35. davidcushman (David Cushman) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job description demands 250+ twitter followers. Neat. Via @jangles [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  36. lolaadesioye (Lola Adesioye) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT@davidcushman Job description demands 250+ twitter followers [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  37. davegobe (David Miller) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post] (via @koskim)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  38. Andrew Gerrard (@andrewgerrard) avatar

    This is unquestionably a growing trend where HR professionals are already using social media to research and discover more about potential candidates for employment. Savvy employees are using their online personae to then position themselves according to the level and types of jobs they want. In fact, prospects should be pushing employers towards social network profiles when and where they become relevant.

    The no. of followers in this case is almost irrelevant – what’s needed by a prospect here is a demonstration of their social media whuffie. Further, the idea that they can trick an employer by building their following through dodgy means won’t wash – any half-smart employer should be looking for quality as a balance to quantity.

  39. thatothertime (Matt Krygowski) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT Job requirement: Twitter followers – [link to post] via @corblimey

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  40. CinnabarSweets (☠ Sweets ☠) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… and one of the job requirements is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post] <-- srsly? (via @agent0x0) – Posted using Chat Catcher

  41. Alastair McKenzie avatar

    @andrewgerrard “social media whuffie”

    Gonna use that! Can I just check I’m guessing the def right first?

    ‘whuffie’ = credentials, cajones…yeah?

    1. Andrew Gerrard (@andrewgerrard) avatar

      @Alastair “Whuffie”: as coined by Cory Doctorow (http://twitter.com/doctorow) – http://craphound.com/bio.php – and used to ephemerally describe or measure an individuals reputation and, commonly, their social media creds. Ref. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whuffie

      1. Alastair McKenzie avatar

        ty @andrewgerrard

        Whuffie…..I like it, and will use… unrestrained & attributed :D

        Thinks: Crap! It’s in Wikipedia. Can’t claim it for my own! ;)

  42. Ben Strackany avatar

    Um, it’s an emerging media marketing position. Of course they want to find people who tweet, blog, and are otherwise fully immersed in new & emerging media. Counting the number of followers is merely a low-effort metric to narrow the field.

    1. neville avatar

      The really interesting aspect is how they now want to engage with anyone who has some useful ideas to suggest what the spec for a job like this ought to contain.

      Now that ought to be a trend.

  43. Kelly_Evans (Kelly Evans) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Aerocles: what if i have 2800? RT @koskim: Best Buy is hiring… 1 job requirement is 250 Twitter followers! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  44. RickBakas (Rick Bakas) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @brob35: Job requirement: Twitter followers — NevilleHobson.com [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  45. vousa (Sami Voutilainen) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job requirement: “250 plus followers on Twitter” [link to post] (via @BarryBowman)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  46. […] A comment by Best Buy’s Joshua Kahn talked about a new development regarding this recruitment opening that would be posted today on […]

  47. […] more ideas than a small group.” Isn’t that basically the definition of crowdsourcing? Neville Hobson, part of the great podcast team that produces For Immediate Release seems to […]

  48. Irida (Irida) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @DarenBBC 250 Followers required for the job , serious [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  49. ollieparsley (Ollie Parsley) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @DarenBBC: 250 Followers required for the job , serious [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  50. benbristol (Ben Tuffley) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @DarenBBC: 250 Followers required for the job , serious [link to post] [Interesting idea, not necessarily wrong imho]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  51. Alistair1990 (Alistair Charlton) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @DarenBBC: 250 Followers required for the job , serious [link to post] (via @ollieparsley)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  52. Twitjobsuk (Twitjobs UK Jobs) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job Requirement – Twitter Followers! -> [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  53. 250 Followers required for the job , serious http://bit.ly/43pSOS

  54. RT @DarenBBC 250 Followers required for the job , serious http://bit.ly/43pSOS

  55. RT @DarenBBC: 250 Followers required for the job , serious http://bit.ly/43pSOS

  56. SimoneBairdNZ (Simone Baird) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @TwitjobsMedia: Job Req – Twitter Followers! [link to post] >Interesting thought as long as you don’t accept heaps of spammers!

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  57. jenniferlim (jenniferlim) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @TwitjobsUK: Job Requirement – Twitter Followers! -> [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  58. RT @DarenBBC: 250 Followers required for the job , serious http://bit.ly/43pSOS [Interesting idea, not necessarily wrong imho]

  59. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @Jason_Smuvrd that’s great, Jason, thanks! Very interesting what Best Buy is doing, don’t you think? [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

    1. Jason_Smuvrd (Jason_Barrett) avatar

      Twitter Comment

      @jangles incredibly interesting,will become a trend for future job descriptions…im sure its already asked at interview stage now.

      Posted using Chat Catcher

  60. RT @DarenBBC: 250 Followers required for the job , serious http://bit.ly/43pSOS (via @ollieparsley)

  61. mcf (MCF) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @T0mRowlands Checkout this job requirement then! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  62. darenBBC (Daren Forsyth) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    250 Followers required for the job , serious [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  63. 3MonkeysPR (3 Monkeys PR) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Twitter followers as a preferred ‘qualification’ when recruiting – [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  64. mayankdhingra (Mayank Dhingra) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job Requirement: Twitter Followers > 250 Wah Wah [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  65. radostinakesova (Radostina Kesova) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @elenko: Изизскване за работата – 250 последователи в Twitter: [link to post] -> не ставам за тая работа 153 followers, слаба ракия.

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  66. tottot (tottot) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT: @elenko: Изизскване за работата – 250 последователи в Twitter: [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  67. ngorchilov (Nikolai Gorchilov) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @elenko:Изизскване за работата – 250 последователи в Twitter: [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  68. elenko (Elenko) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Изизскване за работата – 250 последователи в Twitter: [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

    1. inkscar (inkscar) avatar

      Twitter Comment

      @elenko в Щатите това е възможно. Тук джоб дискрипшъните не са мръднали в съдържание от 10 години.

      Posted using Chat Catcher

    2. donpepone (Peter) avatar

      Twitter Comment

      @elenko interesni samo kato svurshi venture capital-a na twitter kakvo shte stane a projecta. Vseki mu se kefi, no nikoi ne go kupuva

      Posted using Chat Catcher

  69. gstoychev (gstoychev) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @elenko: Изизскване за работата – 250 последователи в Twitter: [link to post] Яката работа :)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  70. Nico_Lanter (Nicolas Lanter) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job requirement: Twitter followers! > [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  71. Ekklektik (Julien Levêque) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    [ Almost able to get a job at Best Buy ] RT @Nico_Lanter: Job requirement: Twitter followers! > [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  72. MehdiLamloum (Mehdi) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Nico_Lanter: Job requirement: Twitter followers! > [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  73. MaC_LeW (MaNieL) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT: @ParisComLight: hallucinant RT Nico_Lanter Job requirement: Twitter followers! > [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  74. Anelche (Anelia Mircheva) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Ще го включа към изискванията RT@elenko Изизскване за работата – 250 последователи в Twitter: [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  75. Terri avatar

    Not surprising since Best Buy is a technology driven store. (I have over 4,000 followers and counting)

  76. danperry (Dan Perry) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Reading: Best Buy Job Requirement is 250 Twitter followers: [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  77. robborover (Rob Crossland) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    rt @danperry: Reading: Best Buy Job Requirement is 250 Twitter followers: [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  78. sparkyfied (James Haley) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT Jobs starting to require applicants to have certain number of Twitter followers – [link to post] (via @LeilaMakki)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  79. […] Twittera nie ma pracy … przynajmniej w Best Buy. Sieć handlowa opublikowaÅ‚a ogÅ‚oszenie rekrutacyjne na stanowisko Senior Managera w dziale marketingu i jednym z wymagaÅ„ byÅ‚o posiadanie konta na […]

  80. […] A Best Buy job listing for a Senior Emerging Media Marketing Manager position got the blogosphere and twitterati chattering. In the original posting, a preferred qualification was for the ideal candidate to have a graduate […]

  81. lelapin (lelapin) avatar

    FriendFeed Comment

    Job requirement: Twitter followers — NevilleHobson.com – I wouldn’t qualify… I couldn’t care less [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  82. ace avatar

    Not surprised that more and more companies are requiring their employees to be social network savvy.

  83. jodykoehler (Jody Koehler) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Job requirement: Twitter followers [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  84. fightingmachine (Lean Mean Fighti ...) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Lean Mean chases down “250-plus followers on Twitter” needed for job at Best Buy (a US version of Currys). [link to post].

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  85. barboraz (Barbora Zychova) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Jsem zvedava, kdy se zacne vyzadovat neco takoveho i u nas:-) – Job requirement: 250 plusTwitter followers [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  86. MichaelBerner (Michael Berner) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Should the # of Twitter followers you have be a requirements for emerging media jobs? [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  87. […] requirement that qualified applicants have a minimum of 250 + followers on Twitter. This launched a flurry of debate specific to this one issue, but the bigger issue as we’ve discussed here before is that […]

  88. allenburt (Allen Burt) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @MichaelBerner: Should the # of Twitter followers you have be a requirements for emerging media jobs? [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  89. nothingelseis (Tim Holden) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @fightingmachine: Lean Mean chases down “250-plus followers” needed for job at Best Buy (a US version of Currys). [link to post].

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  90. paulsimpson1976 (paulsimpson1976) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    A preferred qualifications in a job applicants “250 plus followers on Twitter” ([link to post]) What next?

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  91. bistrekov (bistrekov) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Is this a sign of the (coming) times?- “Job requirement: Twitter followers”- [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  92. markwbaur (Mark Baur) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    I guess I shouldn’t have been blocking all those spam followers then: [link to post] #dumbestfakemetricever (via @bistrekov)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  93. fiona_callison (fiona_callison) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Interesting blog by @ jangles on job advert for Sr Manager Emerging Media specifying number of Twitter followers [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  94. flyinglens (Marie Young) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    US retail Best buy crowd sources job requirement for Emerging media role [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  95. Tom_Vollebregt (Tom Vollebregt) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT: @jodykoehler Job requirement: 250 Twitter followers [link to post] HA!

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  96. TurtleGerms (Turtle Germs) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    [link to post]
    Wow. Its sad how people do this. Follow me. #musicmonday Moon

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  97. Cdachis (Carly Dachis) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Need another good reason to Tweet? [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  98. RT @jangles Job requirement: Twitter followers — NevilleHobson.com http://bit.ly/9GCob

  99. debchusid (debchusid) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    If you want a job in social media, start tweeting. RT @jangles Job @€” NevilleHobson.com [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  100. If you want a job in social media, start tweeting. RT @jangles Job @€” NevilleHobson.com http://bit.ly/9GCob

  101. Guess my number of followers won’t help me get a job @ #bestbuy http://bit.ly/2ruQyD

  102. Future_of_Less (Allen H. Kupetz) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @jangles Job requirement: #Twitter followers [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  103. Job requirement: Twitter followers http://bit.ly/RBJ3m

  104. RT @jangles Job requirement: #Twitter followers http://bit.ly/RBJ3m

  105. vektorz (Viktors Rožkalns) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Best Buy darba piedāvājumā Mārketinga speciālistam bija vēlama prasība: 250 followeri [link to post] :)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  106. camhunt (cam hunt) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Guess my number of followers won’t help me get a job @ #bestbuy [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  107. Best Buy darba piedāvājumā Mārketinga speciālistam bija vēlama prasība: 250 followeri http://bit.ly/2ruQyD :)

  108. Old, but still fascinating news for us job-hunters – Best Buy leverages social media to create a social media job req: http://bit.ly/JyzWs

  109. […] thing that I’ve found, particularly in the social media and marketing space is using “number of Twitter followers” or “number of Facebook friends” as a qualifier for an experienced […]

  110. Job requirement: 250+ Twitter followers http://bit.ly/7O0T8S

  111. It seems that followers gets you jobs now! http://bit.ly/9GCob I'm running a beta for a system that gets followers DM if interested.

  112. ( 250)+(followers) =job requirement: http://bit.ly/gfxq7 In other news? Confusing punctuation really makes *this* tweet A True Joy To Read.

  113. carnagein avatar

    Excellent article, I purchased 5000 twitter followers from http://www.socialkik.com and they delivered them sooner than promised, that made a huge positive impact on my online business ! I started receiving more customers and better conversion rate because of the big number of followers which enhanced my reputation ! I highly recommend them : http://www.socialkik.com

  114. […] is a very interesting article over at NevilleHobson.com this morning titled “Job requirement: Twitter followers” that discusses a recent job posting by BestBuy in which there is a preffered qualification of […]

  115. Job spec: Degree, check. 2 yrs experience, check. 250 followers on twitter-that's what we want. How twitter is growing

  116. Preferred job requirement for @bestbuy: 250+ Twitter followers http://ow.ly/25Dyw This still gets me thinking! #socialrecruiting #sales

  117. Preferred job requirement for @bestbuy: 250+ Twitter followers http://ow.ly/25Dyw This still gets me thinking! #socialrecruiting #sales

  118. RT @SocialHonesty: Preferred job requirement for @bestbuy: 250+ Twitter followers http://ow.ly/25Dyw This still gets me thinking! #socialrecruiting #sales