brandsontwitter Credible case studies or examples of how people in organizations successfully use social communication channels like Twitter to connect and engage with customers are gold dust to anyone looking to make a case in their own organization.

We know how Dell can make money out of Twitter – $6.5 million so far, they say. It’s a terrific case study. Yet such an achievement can not only seem out of reach for many organizations, but also not necessarily reflecting their goals which may not be about making money directly from their Twitter activity.

So it’s great when some details appear of what a handful of well-known international companies are doing and getting out of their use of Twitter.

Examples from Franchises Go Social, a feature in the January edition of the American Entrepreneur magazine:

  • Subway: Subway’s Twitter presence, @subwayfreshbuzz, attracted more than 6,000 followers in less than six months. The sandwich shop franchise uses Twitter to interact with Subway fans two ways: sending out product and promotional news and monitoring Twitter for buzz about its brand.
  • McDonald’s: McDonald’s operates two main Twitter handles. @McDonalds, which has more than 4,700 followers, is used for brand news and information as well as customer service. (Internal research shows that the company is mentioned every 10 to 20 seconds on Twitter.) @McCafeYourDay promotes the company’s line of specialty coffees.
  • 7-Eleven: Convenience-store giant 7-Eleven launched its first Twitter campaign at @7eleven in September, when it created an online game to promote its Brazilian Bold coffee to 18- to 34-year-olds. A few weeks in, the game has scored about 100 followers and counting, but it has also generated a wave of buzz online and will be followed by more promotions.
  • H&R Block: H&R Block uses @HRBlock, launched in November 2007, as a customer-care and question-and-answer tool more than a marketing vehicle. Although the company posts info about tax law changes or company news, it more frequently answers tax questions, solves log-in issues and helps connect its more than 3,600 followers with the expertise they need to get their taxes filed.
  • Dunkin’ Donuts: In a little more than a year, @DunkinDonuts scored more than 38,000 followers by creating a place where people can share their Dunkin’ Donuts experiences. The company focuses on creating a place where people can talk about how much they love Dunkin’ Donuts products.

(Via Janet Meiners Thaeler via Rodney Rumford)

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203 responses to “Five examples of innovation with Twitter”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson, Rodney Rumford. Rodney Rumford said: RT @jangles: [Blog] Five examples of innovation with Twitter #fb #in […]

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    [Blog] Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] #fb #in

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    @BZPAT the links works, seems very slow, though. [link to post] Google auto-generated from RSS feed, no idea how it works.

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter | Credible case studies or examples of how people in organi [link to post]

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    @jangles your link [link to post] seems broken

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter | Credible case studies or examples of how people in or… [link to post]

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  19. Peter avatar

    Great post Neville, but also don’t forget to leave out the small guys. There have been some fantastic new businesses launched that are also using the social media platform in innovative ways.

    Projects like TwitJobs & StockTweets – – That did’nt have the funding of a major corporate to get into social media, but once they did, they were able to make an impact – and make a difference to an otherwise slightly stagnant industry.

    Especially when jobs and money were so important in 2009, and continue to be so in 2010 (and beyond) – but lets take a little time out to congratulate the innovation for the people that did it on their own, without the backing of major world known brands.

    1. neville avatar

      Thanks, Peter, good points, and I asume you mean not to leave out the small guys :)

      1. Peter avatar

        Yes, well I think social media campaigns can be successful on different levels. On the one hand a good campaign can involve innovative thinking, but with ‘starbucks’ for instance, they have a massive reach already.

        The true innovators (for me anyway) are the ones that have created a presence, campaign, whatever you want to call it from scratch. Maybe just a few people appreciating it along the way, and their innovation, will and determination made it work.

        Its a great posting that certainly does through up lots of alternative debate around it too – thanks Neville.

        1. Peter avatar

          ah, iv’e just spotted my mistake too – yes, DON’T leave them out! :)

  20. DennisVanSanten (Dennis van Santen) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter | Subway: Subway’s Twitter presence, @subwayfre.. [link to post]

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter | 24 imakewebsiteswk (Gary Gregory) January 2, 2010.. [link to post]

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    via @s0nnep0n -mooie voorbeelden van Twitter successen, en de vraag wat heb je als goed doel/bedrijf te bieden? [link to post]

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    I Just Read Five examples of innovation with Twitter | Twitter mar.. [link to post]
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  36. Joe Pritchard avatar

    Interesting and informative post, but can we really call these Twitter aplications innovative?

    They seem to use Twitter for what twitter is good at – engaging in conversations with actual or potential customers. It’s promotional mailing / advertising by other means.

    1. neville avatar

      Joe, as the examples Entrepreneur magazine describes are still not commonplace, I think what these companies are doing is innovative.

      It fits well with at least one dictionary definition of the word ‘innovative’:

      using or showing new methods, ideas, etc

      Good enough.

  37. LalaAdel (Adeline Chan) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter | We know how Dell can make money out of Twitter – $6… [link to post]

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter | Twitter marketing: genuine works · Twitter 101 for b… [link to post]

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  42. travelwithdayo (Dayo Adefila) avatar

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    RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] #Usefulstuff to jump start conversation with Clients.

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  43. Sung_H_Lee (Sung Lee) avatar

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    5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: [link to post] /via @jangles @Twitter_Tips

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        @NomentionofKev Good morning and Happy New Year!

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          @Sung_H_Lee Happy New Year to you too! Quiet or hungover?

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  46. Five examples of innovation with Twitter

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  48. mrjoshwaltzing (Josh Waltzing) avatar

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    RT @Twitter_Tips: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: [link to post] /via @jangles. Hope #education arena will embrace it also.

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  49. RT @bangwinissimo: Five examples of innovation with Twitter

  50. HeyDusti (dusti chuang) avatar

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    RT @jangles: Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] // Im sure there’s more, like the Domino’s story @tammyhart tweeted

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  51. Pr1vacy (김상현) avatar

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    RT @falnlov: 서브웨이 얘기 시작부분에 ‘Twitter Presence’라는 단어가 특히 눈에 띄네요. RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  54. Ryan avatar

    Although there’s a difference in scale we can learn from these giants.

    The habit of engaging your followers improves your business. Customers want to be heard.

  55. Daniel_Barta (Daniel Barta) avatar

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    서브웨이 얘기 시작부분에 ‘Twitter Presence’라는 단어가 특히 눈에 띄네요. RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  58. feeg0666 (Frank EE Grubich) avatar

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    Hell..I’ll jump on the bandwagon too. RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] .. Big Biz is finally jumpin on board… via @tweetmeme

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    well-known international companies doing and getting out of their use of Twitter -[link to post]

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    When opportunity is staring you in the face, grab it! via @jeanlucr 5 examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  129. randyhaykin (Randy Haykin) avatar

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    RT @jangles Five examples of #innovation with Twitter [link to post] <- great corporate use of Twogging! – Posted using Chat Catcher

  130. MKTINTELLIGENCE (Market Intelligence) avatar

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    RT @Soulsightmadrid: Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  131. MeettheMedia (Meet The Media) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter #pr [link to post]

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  132. PYMConnect (Plan Your Meetings) avatar

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    RT @meetthemedia Five examples of innovation with Twitter #pr [link to post] #eventprofs

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  133. MyntPR (MyntPublicRelations) avatar

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    RT @meetthemedia: Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] #pr #public relations

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  134. purdypr (Cas Purdy) avatar

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    RT @MyntPR: RT @meetthemedia: Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] #pr #public relations

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  135. CitySavvyPR (CitySavvy Ltd) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  136. GeneDeLibero (Gene De Libero) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter. (@jangles) [link to post]

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  137. novophil (philippe duverger) avatar

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    RT @jowyang: RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  138. Manisha1 (Manisha M) avatar

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    Reading: “Five examples of innovation with #Twitter”- [link to post] (RT @jowyang)

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  139. cafenumerique (Café Numerique) avatar

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    RT @Vinch01: “McDonald is mentioned every 10 to 20 seconds on Twitter” [link to post] (via @_brieuc) ^MK

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  140. _brieuc (Brieuc Saffré) avatar

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    “McDonald is mentioned every 10 to 20 seconds on Twitter” [link to post]

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  141. Vinch01 (Vincent Battaglia) avatar

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    “McDonald is mentioned every 10 to 20 seconds on Twitter” [link to post] (via @_brieuc)

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  142. RichardGauthier (Richard Gauthier) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] via @jowyang @jangles

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  143. babashetty (Baba Shetty) avatar

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    Dunkin scores again: RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] (via @jowyang)

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  144. jennylynnjasper (Jenny Jasper) avatar

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    How can Twitter generate revenue? Read this to find out. RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] –

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  145. insidan (daniel margato) avatar

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    5 Twitter best practices [link to post] (via @jowyang @jangles)

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  146. twtpickin (Tweet Pickin) avatar

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    twtpickin will help brands engage better RT @jowyang: RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  147. shyamster (Shyam Subramanyan) avatar

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    Brands need more twitter apps to drive engagement RT @jowyang: RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  148. SJOgborn (Samantha Ogborn) avatar

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    Brands that have it down pat. Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] (Thank you to @caitlinmc & @jangles)

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  149. sjhalestorm (Scott Hale) avatar

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    RT @SJOgborn: Brands that have it down pat. Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] (Thank you @caitlinmc & @jangles)

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  150. BrianSlatts (Brian Slattery) avatar

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    RT SJOgborn Brands that have it down pat. Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  151. LSheka (Lynn Sheka) avatar

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    RT @SJOgborn: Brands that have it down pat. 5 examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post] (Thank you to @caitlinmc & @jangles)

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  152. brett (Brett Petersel) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter |[link to post] | via @jangles @jowyang

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  153. TheOceanAgency (The Ocean Agency) avatar

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    Very cool list. RT @brett: Five examples of innovation with Twitter |[link to post] | via @jangles @jowyang

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  154. mistressmia (Mistress Mia) avatar

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    RT @brett: Five examples of innovation with Twitter |[link to post] | via @jangles @jowyang

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  155. caitlinmc (caitlinmc) avatar

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    These are great case studies RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  156. berendjan (Berend Hilberts) avatar

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    Innovation? Headline doesnt deliver RT @davidcushman @brett: 5 examples of innovation w/ Twitter |[link to post] via @jangles @jowyang

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  157. Geophic (Leonel M. Watsowsky) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter |[link to post]

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  158. carltonf (Carlton Flowers) avatar

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    Via @SJOgborn –> Brands that have it down pat. 5 examples of innovation w/Twitter [link to post] (Thx to @caitlinmc & @jangles)

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  159. onion_soup (onion_soup) avatar

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    [link to post]
    Five examples of innovation with Twitter |

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  160. chadthomas01 (Chad Thomas) avatar

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    rt @tosumitgupta 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: [link to post]

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  161. zaibatsu (Reg Saddler) avatar

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    RT @tosumitgupta: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: [link to post]

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  162. brett (Brett Petersel) avatar

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    5 great examples of innovation on Twitter | [link to post] | via @tosumitgupta @zaibatsu

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  163. EgbertOostburg (Egbert Oostburg) avatar

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    RT @zaibatsu: RT @tosumitgupta: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: [link to post]

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  164. CharlieHash (Charlie Hash) avatar

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    RT @clementyeung: RT @brett 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter [link to post] via @tosumitgupta @zaibatsu

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  165. thenetworkhub (The Network Hub) avatar

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    Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  166. TweetDiscovered (TweetDiscovered) avatar

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    RT @thenetworkhub:Five examples of innovation with Twitter [link to post]

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  167. Daniel_Barta (Daniel Barta) avatar

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    5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: [link to post] (via @zaibatsu @tosumitgupta)

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  168. lavieocean (Hans) avatar

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    RT @brett: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter | [link to post] | via @tosumitgupta @zaibatsu

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  169. RT @adamsconsulting: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: /via @tosumitgupta @cheth

  170. RT @cheth
    5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: /via @tosumitgupta

  171. RT @adamsconsulting: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: /via @tosumitgupta @cheth

  172. RT @cheth: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: /via @tosumitgupta

  173. RT @cheth: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: /via @tosumitgupta

  174. RT @adamsconsulting: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: /via @tosumitgupta @cheth

  175. RT @cheth: 5 great examples of innovation on Twitter: /via @tosumitgupta

  176. Here is a great article from detailing how 5 major national brands are using twitter:

  177. RT @clearlycreative: Here is a great article from detailing how 5 major national brands are using twitter:

  178. RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter

  179. Five companies using Twitter; cc: @McDonalds, @subwayfreshbuzz, @7eleven, @HRBlock, @DunkinDonuts

  180. 5 Great Examples of Innovation on Twitter

  181. tosumitgupta (Sumit Gupta) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    5 Great Examples of Innovation on Twitter [link to post]

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  182. RT @jangles Five examples of innovation with Twitter

  183. How to be INNOVATIVE on Twitter: via @tosumitgupta

  184. Five examples of innovation with Twitter –

  185. MADconsulting (Sally Petersen) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    How to be INNOVATIVE on Twitter: [link to post] via @tosumitgupta

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  186. sahdevt (Sahdev Thakur) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Five examples of innovation with Twitter – [link to post]

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  187. 5 examples of Innovation with Twitter tweeting info, product & promotional news & monitoring feedback, customer service

  188. RT @FieldNStream: 5 examples of Innovation with Twitter tweeting info… news & monitoring feedback, customer service

  189. RT @inspiredm: Five examples of innovation with Twitter | |

  190. RT @tosumitgupta: 5 Great Examples of Innovation on Twitter

  191. […] 03. Jun, 2010 0 CommentsShareDigg DiggYou’ve probably read stories about businesses using Twitter.As the examples show, there are great ways to use Twitter to grow your business.But for most […]

  192. Facebook : Five examples of innovation with Twitter |

  193. Five examples of innovation with Twitter | #socialmedia #smm