The new version 2 of the FeedDemon RSS reader for Windows was released yesterday.
In a press release, NewsGator Technologies said:
[…] The release marks the first major update of the product since NewsGator’s acquisition of FeedDemon developer Bradbury Software in May of 2005. FeedDemon 2.0 includes seamless synchronization with the entire NewsGator Online platform, including NewsGator Online, NewsGator Inbox, NetNewsWire, and the other desktop and mobile products.
In addition to letting you manage your RSS subscriptions on your desktop, FeedDemon 2 offers seamless synchronization of RSS subscriptions with NewsGator Online, NewsGator Inbox, NewsGator Mobile, NetNewsWire, and any other product that uses the NewsGator Online API.
Available on free 30-day trial, then $29.95 to buy.