Nominated for 2006 Podcast Awards

We’re thrilled to announce that “For Immediate Release” is included in the final voting slate of nominated podcasts for the 2006 Podcast Awards contest.

The nomination period ended last week and the contest organizers have now posted all the nominated podcasts ready for public voting which begins in a couple of days.

FIR is one of the five contenders in the Business category. As with last year’s contest, we’re up against some stiff competition.

To everyone who nominated us – thank you.

Voting opens at 00:01 on Friday July 28 and closes at 23:59 on Friday August 11. Times are Hawaii Standard Time (GMT -10). Please carefully note the contest rules especially re the voting process.

All the contest award winners will be announced during the Podcast and Portable Media Expo in Ontario, California, on September 29. Whether FIR wins or not, Shel and Neville will be at that event as both are speaking there.

We’d be awfully pleased if you would vote for FIR in the Business category. Thanks!

(Cross posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

4 responses to “Nominated for 2006 Podcast Awards”

  1. Carmen Van Kerckhove avatar

    Congratulations! You and Shel definitely deserve the nomination. I’m going to go vote for FIR right now… :)

  2. neville avatar

    Thanks, Carmen, appreciate your support.

    Note that voting doesn’t start until Friday, though!

  3. Terry Fallis avatar

    Hey Neville that’s great news and well deserved! If I only had time for one podcast, it would be FIR. Luckily, I can usually fit in a few more but you and Shel are number 1. Keep on doing it cause you’ve got legions of listeners…

  4. neville avatar

    Thanks, Terry. Really do appreciate your support.