Version 2.0.4 of the WordPress blog platform was released yesterday. I’m planning to upgrade this blog to this latest version during the weekend.

Apologies in advance if, for a short time during your visit, you see odd things or some things not actually working. None of that should happen but as part of the upgrade process includes taking prudent steps like deactivating all plugins during the actual upgrade, you never know.

Hopefully it will all be as painless as the upgrade instructions suggest.

[Update @ 20:15] The upgrade went very smoothly indeed. No hiccups although if you visited here during the 30-minute upgrade installation (deleting files from the server and uploading the new ones), you would undoubtedly have seen some weird things on your screen. As you would also after the install and during the 10-minute re-activation of all the plugins.

So a painless process. Hats off to the community for the excellent installation guide which I followed to the letter.

One note re that guide. If you have WP version 2.0.2 as I did, you won’t find any specific info on upgrading from that version to 2.0.4. What I did was treat my installation as if it were version 2.0 and then did a full installation as per the guide’s detailed instructions.

3 responses to “Upgrade to WordPress 2.0.4”

  1. neville avatar

    Just a test comment after the 2.0.4 upgrade to be sure things like commenting still work ok.

  2. Karin Hoegh avatar

    Tell me, what is the difference between 2.0 and 2.0.4. – what made you choose to upgrade?

  3. neville avatar

    Quite a few bug fixes, Karin. Over 50, in fact:

    The upgrade includes many security fixes, so that’s a very good reason to upgrade.

    So it looks like last month’s bug hunt produced results.

    I think the developers also sorted out a lot of the underlying code, ie, rewrote some of the platform so that it runs faster, for instance. I’ve certainly noticed that the dashboard comes up a lot quicker and pages load faster.

    If you’re still on version 2.0, you should definitely upgrade if only because of the security fixes.