If you use the StatCounter.com website visitor stats/analysis service, there is a brand new feature that is very cool indeed – view your recent visitors on a Google Map.
Here’s a screenshot of some recent visitors to my blog, with detailed info about one of the visitors:
Just click on one of the map location markers to see useful information about that visitor. How long they stayed, where they came from, which pages they looked at, what browser, screen resolution, etc.
You can get all this information already by choosing the relevant option from the StatCounter menu. But seeing it all displayed together on a Google map is even better.
A very cool feature!
3 responses to “More about your blog visitors with Google Maps”
I use mint for my stats (recommended!!) and there’s a pepper (=plugin) called geo mint to use google maps for this. Nice to know where my visitors come from!
I use mint too, Michel, but I didn’t know about Geo Mint. Thanks for the tip.
I’ve installed it, but what a pain to install! Plus I don’t think it offers as much creativity and flexibility as the Google map feature in StatCounter.
Still, another way to see who your visitors are and where they come from.
I agree with you. It’s a more simple way of using google maps, but overall it works within my mint setup. The way statcounter uses it, it does a better job!