If you run your blog on WordPress, now’s a good time to upgrade your installation to the latest version 2.0.5 that was released late last month.

This version includes over 50 bug fixes and enhancements. Some of these are security fixes, so upgrading makes good sense.

I upgraded this blog yesterday from version 2.0.4 and the process was extremely straightforward and painless. As always with WordPress, there are comprehensive upgrade guidelines to help you upgrade from any previous version.

Note that this is to do with the WordPress system you run on your own server, not the WordPress.com hosted blogging service.

Finally, always do a backup before any upgrade, no matter how simple it all may seem. Backup your database at the very least. I always copy the complete WordPress installation from my server to a local computer as well. That way, if anything does go wrong, I can re-upload everything and be back where I originally was.

Never had to use that insurance policy, though.