1,017 RSS subscribersWednesday marked quite a milestone for this blog – the number of subscribers to my RSS feed passed the 1,000 mark for the first time.

Over the past few months, I’ve been paying close attention to the FeedBurner stats as subscriber numbers have been showing a clear and consistent growth trend.

Subscriber numbers do fluctuate, though, as this graph for the past 30 days indicates:

RSS 30-day trend

I expect the number of subscribers to rise and fall (and, hopefully, rise again) as time goes on. I’ll be quite pleased if the growth trend continues.

Still, it’s great to pass that milestone number, transient though it may well be. Thanks to the 1,016 of you (I’m the subscriber that bumps the number up by one) who have subscribed, with many of you staying subscribed.

Related post:

12 responses to “RSS subscriber milestone”

  1. […] Neville’s celebrating reaching a milestone in his RSS subscriber numbers – he’s hit the big 1000 subscribers for the first time. […]

  2. Kevin Dugan avatar

    Congratulations Neville. Thanks for all of the insights.

  3. Rick Klau avatar

    Neville –

    Congrats! I wish I could tell you we had a plaque we engrave for our 1k members. Sadly, a congratulatory comment will have to do for the time being.


    Keep up the great work,


    Rick Klau
    VP, Publisher Services
    312.756.0022 x2012
    cell: 630.362.8911
    AIM/Y!/Skype: RickKlau

  4. Philippe Borremans avatar

    Bravo Neville ! Surely they’ll continue to rise… See you in Ghent for the Euroblog 2007 Symposium.

  5. Michael  Klusek avatar


    Congrats. That an important milestone. I am still a big fan and have been from arounf episode 50.

    My site above is my new Word Press one. Still under developement but will move my Typepad domain over soon. What do you think of it?

    A heads up: Just read this article at Hittail.

    Why SEO is really a subset of PR.
    Good food for thought.

    Keep up the great reporting.

  6. Kami Huyse avatar

    Neville; Impressive, and not all that unexpected. It’s fun to know there are actually people reading out there.

  7. neville avatar

    Thanks, everyone, I really appreciate your comments.

    Michael, nice work with your new WordPress blog design. Using Feedburner too, I see!

  8. Ted Demopoulos avatar

    Impressive, but not surprising Neville!.
    According to the metrics, you’re 33% cooler than me :)

  9. neville avatar

    Heh! I was thinking that this might be literally so at the moment, Ted, with the freezing temps here in NYC.

    However you’re near this neck of the woods, too, so perhaps not ;)

  10. Donna  Papacosta avatar

    Congrats on breaking 1,0000, Neville! You deliver great content. That’s why I subscribe — along with all those other smart people!

  11. Ted Demopoulos avatar

    Weather is about the same here in New Hampshire Neville, but last year at this time I was in Central Siberia – minus 48 when I landed and then it got cold :)

  12. […] Earlier this month, I wrote about the increasing number of subscribers to this blog’s RSS feed with numbers exceeding 1,000 for the first time. […]