If you upgraded to or installed the new WordPress version 2.1 that was released last month, you’ll be interested in a major bugfix released today:

[…] Version 2.1.1 includes about 30 bug fixes, mostly minor things around encoding, XML-RPC, the object cache, and HTML code. It’s available for immediate download on our download page.

Not only that, WordPress has released a security patch for version 2.0.7 to upgrade it to version 2.0.9:

Version 2.0.9 only includes the security update, which was around the code we use to prevent XSS. […] As a reminder, we’ve committed to proving security updates to 2.0 through 2010, but all new features and development are going into the newer branch, which is at this time 2.1.

An easy way to upgrade either version is to install just the changed files. Ajay D’Souza makes it easy. I expect Paul Woodhouse will have an interest in this :)

I haven’t yet made the jump to 2.1 on this blog (but I did on my sandbox) as I’m still dithering about the K2 theme. There’s also the issue for me re Dreamhost and PHP. Although this blog hasn’t fallen over so far, I really must find time soon to upgrade.

Related post:

5 responses to “Bugfixes for latest WordPress”

  1. Ajay avatar

    Hi Neville,

    Thanks for the link.

    You should upgrade to 2.0.9 atleast, because though they have stated it as a minor update, it is still a security update.

  2. neville avatar

    Thanks, Ajay. Plan to do that asap. I just grabbed the zip from your site, so it should be easy to do!

  3. Paul Woodhouse avatar

    Not half.

    Pingbacks and trackbacks have been knackered since I upgraded and I could only receive trackbacks if I turned off Akismet and any form of comment moderation. I hope the xml-rpc tweak fixes it along with the newer version of akismet.

    I probably wouldn’t have upgraded until the dust settled (which 2.1.1 is proof of) if I hadn’t had my hand forced in the first place.

    And your host forcing your hand may be the thing that stops you dithering.

    Although, FWIW I’m running it on php 4.4.4 and MySQL 4.1.something.

    I just want to concentrate on the blogging, not the bloody software.

  4. neville avatar

    Absolutely, Paul – it’s the blogging not how the blog works.

  5. […] If you visit this site during the next few hours, you will encounter some odd things, both in appearance and functionality, as I upgrade the site to the latest WordPress version 2.1.1. […]