iabcmembers-slIf you’re a member of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and of Second Life, this might interest you.

I’ve just founded a group in Second Life called ‘IABC Second Life’ ‘IABC Members in Second Life’ [see edit below] that I hope will become a focal point for IABC members who would like to get more out of this virtual world that’s relevant to being an IABC member.

It’s brand new so I haven’t yet fleshed out any specific goals for the group. I can see that being something the membership will develop as the group itself develops.

To start with, though, I see the group as being a place where IABC members who have some experience in Second Life can share their knowledge and experience as well as provide help and assistance to members who are new to Second Life.

If you’re an IABC member and would like to belong, let me know your Second Life avatar name and I’ll send you an invitation. In world, IM Jangles Junot.

[Edit @ 8.15pm] Amanda’s comments got me thinking. This group is unofficial and not supported by IABC. As I said, it’s purely an informal group of members who want to get together in Second Life.

But to be sure I’m wholly clear on this, and not leave any doubt about that in anyone’s mind, I’ve changed the name of the group to ‘IABC Members in Second Life.’ The original name “IABC Second Life” was too ambiguous.

So I’ve removed the little logo I created and which was included in this post when I first published it; a replacement will be back just as soon as I can make one. [now made and included].

8 responses to “IABC group in Second Life”

  1. Social Media Forum: Who knows what’ll happen?…

    LONDON — Tomorrow Phil and I present at Melcrum’s conference for technophiles.
    It’ll be interesting……

  2. Amanda Chapel avatar

    With all do respect Neville, did you get permission from IABC before you took their name? If the organization decides to take the group in another direction, will you defer to them and surrender it?

    – Amanda

  3. neville avatar

    It’s purely a group in Second Life, Amanda, nothing more. The start of a gathering of members with common interests where the focal point is our membership in the association.

    There are other informal groups where IABC members get together for one purpose or another. This is just another one and happens to be in the virtual world rather than in the real world.

    So it’s not official by any means.

  4. Amanda Chapel avatar

    Hmmmmm… I suspected as much.

    Neville, all things considered, it serves as a proxy for the organization in a HIGH profile arena. Rightfully, it is their property. I recommend you inform senior management and defer to their directives as to next steps.

    – Amanda

  5. neville avatar

    Thanks, Amanda, suggestions appreciated.

  6. Lee Hopkins avatar
  7. neville avatar

    In-world invitation on its way, Lee.

  8. Paull Young avatar

    Great stuff Neville – I’m in two.

    I was actually talking about this with Allan Jenkins in Copenhagen a few weeks ago. As a ‘member at large’ a Second Life networking area for IABC members is really valuable.

    Thanks for setting it up, see you in there.