A nice visit today from the UPS guy with two boxes containing copies of How to Do Everything with Podcasting, the book about, well, podcasting written by Shel Holtz and me.
Today’s the day the book is now actually available for shipping from Amazon US. In the UK, shipping from Amazon UK starts on July 1.
Very soon, the companion website will be up and running. That site will enable you to access updated information on, for instance, podcasting resources – the type of information that gets out of date quickly in a print publication.
Once the website goes live, we’ll announce that on the FIR site. June 17: The website is now live at www.everythingwithpodcasting.com.
If you do buy the book, I hope you’re as excited with it as Shel and I are.
No doubt you’ll tell us what you think!
Related post:
9 responses to “The podcasting book is now shipping!”
To quote my Hero,Kermit The Frog, “Yaaaaaaayyy!!!”. Can’t wait until it’s arrival!
Love & Peace, Clarence
Well done old bean.
Out of interest, how long was it from deciding to do the book to actually seeing it in print?
About 17 months, David. As I recall (correct me if I’m wrong, Neville), it first came up as a result of a conversation between Neville and our agent, Yvonne DeVita, at the NewComm Forum in Palo Alto in 2006.
[…] The book is now out! […]
Just after the 2005 Forum, Shel, not 2006. So it’s actually a little over two years ago when the idea first surfaced.
In May 2005 or thereabouts, I got an email from Yvonne who suggested the idea of my writing a book about podcasting. We got on the phone together to talk about the idea. I then talked to you – you’re an accomplished book-writer with four business books under your belt already – we then talked to Yvonne and the rest, as they say, is history.
We announced the book deal with McGraw-Hill at the 2006 Forum.
It’s been quite a ride, hasn’t it?
Great news, Q. Does the book cover both PC and Mac related software solutions to Podcasting?
Yes it does, Andrew. We cover software specifically in Chapters 7 and 8 with an extensive look at recording on Windows and Mac computers, mentioning Linux as well.
On the companion website, there will be an overview soon of recording software.
Congratulations! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy :)
Thanks, Tabita. Hope you find it useful. Amazon UK starts shipping on July 1!