A hot topic this week, in the online PR community at least, has been the concept of lifestreams.

This is about aggregating everything about you – blog posts, photos, streams of thought al la Twitter, content in myriad other places online – all in one place, thus making it easy for you to offer everything you produce that is convenient for those who want to easily find all that content about you.

Steve Rubel nails it:

[…] Aggregated Lifestreams could be the next big thing on the web, particularly as community expands. I am also thinking about how this might be coupled with services like social networks, Twittergram, Spock and OpenID.

Now think about this which could be the next big thing in society:

A person’s entire life from birth to death could one day be recorded by a network of intelligent sensors, according to a senior scientist.

[…] Already some researchers at Microsoft, Hewlett Packard and MIT have developed devices that record a person’s every move.

Research like this, as well as advances in sensor technology and manufacturing techniques would see a continued “slow and incremental, year-on-year” growth in the number of devices that surround and monitor people. […] This would result in a world where “everything we want monitored can be monitored.”

This is information about each of us that we will have had no choice about whether it’s made available to others or not.

Not quite the kind of lifestream Steve and others have in mind.

One response to “A different kind of lifestream”

  1. Mike Keliher avatar

    That’s some wild stuff.

    By the way, “online PR community” is a far, far better phrase than “PR blogosphere.” The latter is often hardly true, or more accurately, hardly comprehensive.