One thing I’ve got to know well over the years about my podcasting partner Shel Holtz is his passionate views about internal communication, intranets and all manner of technology as it relates to organizations and communication.

So it comes as no surprise to me to see that today Shel launched, a campaign intended to address one of his hot-button issues, that of companies blocking employee access to resources on the net.


It’s a topic we’ve both discussed quite a few times in various episodes of our FIR podcast.

It’s not just about companies banning Facebook, notwithstanding the high media profile such acts have had in recent months, especially here in the UK.

It’s about all forms of blockage, ranging from websites and blogs to RSS subscriptions:

Companies everywhere are blocking employee access to the Net, fueled by questionable research and irresponsible pronouncements of self-serving individuals and organizations. This site is designed to serve as a hub information resource for those who believe the benefits of providing access far outweigh the risks.

This is a great initiative and kudos to Shel for getting it started.

It’s something I support wholeheartedly, which is why I’m happy to show that support via displaying one of the stop-blocking badges on my site.

Why not do the same? And while you’re about it, add your voice and sign the petition.

And I bet a Facebook group comes soon.

5 responses to “Unblocking the net for employees”

  1. […] Mit dem Stop Blocking Blog und dem dazu gehörenden Wiki möchte Shel Informationen für Unternehmen sammeln, damit diese besser informiert ihre Entscheidung zum Umgang mit dem Internetzugang für Mitarbeiter treffen. Im Wiki finden sich u.a. Hinweise auf Studien zur Facebook-Nutzung durch Mitarbeiter, Argumente für den freien Zugang und praktische Lösungsvorschläge. Und damit das Ganze den Namen Kampagne verdient, gibt es natürlich auch eine Petition (via Neville). […]

  2. […] September 26th, 2007 · No Comments There’s a new campaign aimed at companies who obstruct employee access to the Internet (via Neville Hobson). […]

  3. Peter B avatar

    I’ve been involved in developing two Internet Use policies for employees. On each occasion I’ve argued a “doveish” position. Many organisations subscribe to newspapers, periodicals etc. And lots of employees freely make use of them to look for other jobs, read the “for sale” ads, etc. Probably look in the personals too. It’s never been an issue where I’ve worked if people have done this in breaks, at lunch time and so on.
    Yet there seems to be a desire to apply different rules to web usage. To me it’s straightforward. If it’s done in your own time, and doesn’t involve unlawful or illegal behaviour, then it’s fine.
    The issue doesn’t need to become complex, the remedies draconian

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    After a couple of days of excitement coming from all over the place, here is something that I am going to be following rather closely from here onwards. And for a good cause. Through one of my fellow IBM colleagues,……

  5. […] I said, Andy comments on his blog post about what Neville Hobson has also been mentioning and supporting quite closely: Stop Blocking! If you would notice, this is a campaign that tries to help stop businesses from […]