firlogo100x100 Shel and Neville will be presenting two FIR episodes together next week during Shel’s UK visit.

Not only that, we’re planning an FIR Geek Dinner on Friday October 5. Both our wives will be there, too.

The dinner will be in Windsor starting at about 7.30pm. Venue not yet fixed – we’ll have it confirmed by the end of this week – but it will be within easy reach of the two train stations as well as by car.

If you’d like to join us for an informal and relaxed evening of good company and conversation, let us know. Or if you’re a member of the FIR Group on Facebook, just reply to the invitation sent to all members.

Hope to see you in Windsor on October 5!

(Cross-posted from the FIR blog.)

2 responses to “FIR Geek Dinner in Windsor Oct 5”

  1. Bernie Goldbach avatar

    In Ireland, geek dinners, tweetups and OpenCoffee sessions remain on the margins. It often seems that senior management believe one should pay an admission fee to an event before it’s credible enough to be noted and vetted. You’ll find that even well-researched pundits like Damien Kiberd in Ireland are totally unaware of important fora such as geek dinners and unconferences. I think they are critical ingredients in stoking the knowledge economy.

  2. neville avatar

    Agree, Bernie. And I’d say a roughly similar corporate picture is the case here in the UK, more’s the pity.