A week ago, I took part in A Brand You World 2007 Global Telesummit which featured 24 hour-long seminars throughout the day on the broad subject of personal branding.
My session was Express Your Personal Brand Through the Power of Podcasting. Introduced by event organizer Krisha De, it took the form of a live conversation, a discussion, with Megan Fitzgerald, one of the other organizers.
To prepare myself, I put together a PowerPoint presentation so that I could help ensure a structured and even flow to the conversation and cover all the topics that I wanted to.
All the teleseminars last week were live and if you had registered, you could participate in real time. Each session was also recorded and those MP3 recordings have now been posted as podcasts.
You can directly download each one from the website. Better still, get them all in one go by subscribing to the RSS feed or via iTunes.
You can listen to mine here and follow along with the content on the PPT via Slideshare. The audio levels in the MP3 are a bit faint so you’ll likely need to bump up the volume on your media player (and I might replace the file with an improved local copy if you think it’s not a good listening experience).
Your comments and feedback most welcome.