I was in London for much of the day yesterday. For a wholly professional reason during the morning, and then for a very pleasant lunch.

trevorcook I met Trevor Cook.

Trevor’s one of the very first PR bloggers I became virtually acquainted with back in July 2004.

I discovered Trevor via a post he’d written for Global PR Blog Week 1.0. During the three years since then, I’ve been a continual subscriber to his RSS feed.

But we’d never actually met face-to-face. So when I learned that Trevor was visiting London, I jumped at the opportunity to meet up.

And so we shook hands in Starbucks in Wardour Street and then moved on to the Endurance pub in Berwick Street where we had a great lunch over a half-pint of best bitter.

We talked about lots of things. Blogging and bloggers, tech toys, and Australian politics (there’s an election happening there with voters going to the polls in a few days’ time).

We were joined by Dan Light who very graciously paid for lunch. I’ve known Dan a while; we worked together when Dan was developing the Second Life presence for the movie 300.

Anyway, we had a terrific time. Great to see Dan again and superb to finally meet Trevor. As he ponders his next steps, I’m continuing to follow his words and opinions.

Good on yer, Trev!

[Later] Almost forgot to mention – talked about lunch with Trevor and Dan in FIR #294 yesterday.