The next few weeks are a busy time for speaking at events. I’ve just updated my Events page to add new detail to some of the events I’m involved with.

If you’re thinking about participating in a social media-focused conference or workshop during this second half of April, I have a few (entirely subjective) recommendations!

  • Disruptive Media: From Mass Media to Micro Media. Stockholm, April 16-17. I’m looking forward to being in Stockholm again and meeting organizers Annika Lidne and Björn Falkevik together with an impressive line-up of talented speakers. Plus the 100+ participants. The overall event is in Swedish but my keynote on the 16th is in English, as is the workshop I’m leading on the 17th: “A Rough Guide to Social Media for Business Communicators,” an evolving interactive workshop theme I’m developing to help communicators better understand social media in an organizational context.
  • FIR Live on BlogTalk Radio. Phone/online, April 19, at 10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm UK. Shel and I will be in conversation (with you, too, if you’d care to join us), addressing the question: How can companies get their messages out through social media channels when the participants in social media resist the intrusion of companies trying to deliver messages? Free to participate: to join in the conversation, pick up a phone and call +1 347 324 3723. Visit the FIR BlogTalk Radio page to listen online, or call the same number above. The show will be recorded and available via the usual FIR RSS channels including iTunes.
  • New Communications Forum 2008. Santa Rosa, CA, USA, April 22-25. While I won’t physically be in California, I do plan to be there virtually via an audio-visual link from the UK. I’ll be joining Shel as we co-lead the pre-conference workshop “How to Do Everything with Podcasting” on April 22.
  • CIPR MasterClass: New Media for Old Hands. London, April 24. The third half-day workshop I’ll be leading for the CIPR (the previous two were sold out) that will offer solutions for real life issues faced by experienced PR practitioners who want to learn more about social media and how they can incorporate them into their current work.
  • Employee Brand Engagement Conference. London, April 28-30. A senior-level approach to discussing how to improve bottom line profitability through communicating business values, strategies and sustaining engagement on a budget. My speaking topic on April 28: Assessing the impact of social media on company reputations.

That’s a pretty rich selection of learning opportunities in April.

If you plan on being part of any of these, do let me know.