euprera-survey EUPRERA, the European Public Relations Education and Research Association, is conducting new research aimed at exploring future trends in public relations and communication management across Europe.

The European Communications Monitor 2008 includes an online survey, what EUPRERA calls “the most ambitious survey in the field of communication management and public relations”:

[…] The  European Communication Monitor 2008 addresses PR professionals in organisations and consultancies throughout Europe. The online survey at runs until the end of June. It will take about ten minutes to answer the online questions. All participants will receive a full report of the results and be included in a draw for three Apple iPod Shuffle music players. The project serves solely academic purposes; privacy is fully respected.

[…] The survey will be conducted for the second time. It attracted more than 1.100 participants last year and showed up a number of valuable results. This year’s topics include strategic issues, upcoming communication channels, new media, corporate social responsibility, evaluation, agency relationships.

Worth supporting, so head on over.