
One of the many things Apple announced yesterday that I’m intrigued about is MobileMe.

In very simple terms, this is a service – not yet launched – that will let you synchronize documents, images and all manner of digital content between different devices via a centralized private location out there on the net.

In the cloud, to use the current term in vogue.

MobileMe also includes a suite of cloud-based applications – email, writing, calendar, presentations, etc – so you could do all your digital content creating online rather than use desktop software.

A bit like Google Apps, perhaps.

Apart from the apps, it looks quite a lot like Live Mesh from Microsoft.


I’ve been using the Live Mesh Tech Preview for the past few weeks as a means to synchronize my content between my various PCs.

For instance, I find it great for accessing files when I’m travelling when I don’t have a particular file on my laptop – I just grab it from the mesh. Much better than my old way of FTPing into my server, a hit and miss experience at best.

I’ve not yet used Live Mesh for much else – sharing and collaborative editing, for instance – but will get to that.

MobileMe and Live Mesh look rather similar, don’t you think? Well, that’s what I observed earlier today although at least one Twitter buddy disagrees.

I’m quite happy with my Live Mesh experience so far, but I’d be quite keen to try out MobileMe once it’s available. Especially with a URL like!

It just seems to me that it would probably be very easy to figure out and use. Just like a new iPhone.

Or am I just being sucked into a belief that everything Apple does these days has a Midas touch?

[Later] Dan York has an excellent post on MobileMe. What I get from Dan’s post is a better understanding of the cloud.

6 responses to “MobileMe, Live Mesh and a Midas Touch”

  1. steve clayton avatar

    Neville, I know I said I would post a response but Joe Wilcox beat me to it with a very well presented view of Mesh and MobileMe. I have some things to add but Joe sums things up nicely at

  2. neville avatar

    Thanks for the link, Steve. That’s an interesting post. So, thinking about what he has to say.

    Still keen to know what you think, though ;)

  3. Mr. Marketing avatar

    I am definitely looking forward to mobile me.

    I don’t believe that anything that apple touches turns to gold (mighty mouse1…I’m thinking of you). However, Apple has proven that they have the right strategy to move forward and Microsoft continues to produce total junk. Just my 2 cents.

  4. […] MobileMe, Live Mesh and a Midas Touch […]

  5. […] last week, a number of bloggers and Tweeters suggested it was akin to Live Mesh. A few asked me to give my thoughts on this and I eventually did over at Hexus in response to Scott Bicheno’s […]

  6. […] MobileMe, Live Mesh and a Midas Touch […]