Content Summary: According to Time To Rethink Your Corporate Blogging Ideas, a new report from Forrester Research principal analyst and Groundswell co-author Josh Bernoff, corporate blogs rank at the bottom of the trust scale with only 16% of online US consumers who read them saying that they trust them. Why people don’t trust corporate blogs, what to do about it, the differences between trust and effectiveness, and tips for successful business blogging are among the key topics discussed by the panel.

The FIR Live Panel (plus FIR’s Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz):

Additional perspectives on the panel discussion:

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(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

One response to “FIR Live Call-In Episode #10: December 19, 2008”

  1. […] Neville Hobson on the other hand looked at the findings analysed by Forrester Research which state that “corporate blogs rank at the bottom of the trust scale with only 16% of online US consumers who read them saying that they trust them”. Trust building and efficiency are corporate key aims in today’s shaky markets – but is anyone still wondering why they have gone lost in the first place? And when exactly did it happen? […]