One of the interesting things – phenomena, perhaps – of the US presidential election campaign during 2008 was how many people remade themselves to look like Barack Obama.
By that, I mean the images people use to portray themselves online. Such images are typically known as avatars.
The iconic image you see here, created by Los Angeles-based street artist Shepard Fairey, typified the aspirations of many people, not only in the United States.
It’s also the image style that spawned thousands of similar-looking images that you saw plastered all over people’s Twitter profiles last November.
How do you make one for yourself? One way is to use the free service of, “a bit of post election fun†(it says on the site), from Paste Magazine.
And it is fun – I created these Obama-style images with my webcam and the styling tools on the site:
Haven’t yet got around to re-doing my Twitter avatar, though.
Give it a shot!
4 responses to “Obamaicon me!”
I don’t know whether I should thank you for this, Neville: I enjoyed playing around with it too much :D
I’m sending the link to your post to my fellow Reach Strategists in America, since it’s so of the moment.
By the way, if you have suitable software, try modifying the colours to suit your own brand and differentiate it. Mine’s all purplified now!
I think I can top this. Seth Godin bought the original from Shepard at a charity auction last summer.
I got to sit next to it for the 3 months I was working with him. It’s truly an amazing portrait. It’s painted on press clippings from the civil rights movement.
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[…] thousands of image variants as people also created their own likenesses in a similar style (I did that, […]