Last Thursday, May 28, I participated in “Web 2 EU: Publication 2 Participation,” a half-day conference in Brussels organized by the IABC Belgium chapter.

As I mentioned in my post last week, I was there but not physically so: I was able to take part from my home office in the UK with the help of in Dublin via an audio-visual connection over the internet.

The short video you see is a screencast recorded by OnlineMeetingRooms’ CEO Joe Garde (using Camtasia, I think: an excellent app for this kind of thing) showing a compilation of some of the elements, from start-up prep through to the beginning of my presentation.

We did have a few technical gremlins that affected the ultimate outcome of what we were planning to do. That was a pity as the audience in Brussels noticed that and were no doubt influenced by the experience in what they think of this form of communication and the technology involved.

But I think it’s all part of the learning and experimenting and certainly hasn’t changed my view of the value and utility of being able to participate in an event from any location as long as you have a good internet connection (all other things being equal).

Thanks again to Hugh Barton-Smith in Brussels (architect of the IABC event) for inviting me to be part of it, and to Joe Garde in Dublin without whose commitment and energy this wouldn’t have taken place at all.

Check out Hugh’s embryonic IABC Belgium network on Ning for links to all the presentations – here’s mine at Slideshare – and for continuing conversation on topics surrounding the conference theme.

Looking forward to the next time!

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2 responses to “Speaking to Brussels”

  1. Hobson: Speaking to Brussels: Last Thursday, May 28, I participated in “Web 2 EU: Publication 2 Participa..