crescenzoaase Both episodes next week of For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report, the twice-weekly podcast that I co-present with Shel Holtz, will have a different sound to them.

As Shel notes in a post on the FIR blog, Monday’s FIR 461 on June 29 and Thursday’s FIR 462 on July 2 will have guest co-hosts – Steve Crescenzo and Lee Aase respectively.

The reason I’m not co-hosting the show as usual for two episodes is a simple one – conflicting schedules. On both days, I’ll be in London and just not able to do the show at the time we usually record, 5pm in the UK.

I’ll have a couple of contributions in for both shows and I’ll be back with Shel on FIR 463 on Monday July 6. Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy two episodes with different voices and no doubt different focuses.

Can’t wait to listen to hear what those guys have to say!

3 responses to “Crescenzo and Aase on FIR next week”

  1. prblogs

    Hobson: Crescenzo and Aase on FIR next week: Both episodes next week of For Immediate Release: The Hobson..

  2. [Blog] Crescenzo and Aase on FIR next week

  3. Hobson: Crescenzo and Aase on FIR next week: Both episodes next week of For Immediate Release: The Hobson..