strategy-book Globalization and the rise of emerging-market multinationals are having a profound impact on the work of PR practitioners and corporate communicators. And, new channels of global communication are being opened up by social media, bringing different communities across the world together instantaneously online and creating new audiences.

Against this backdrop, International Communications Strategy: Developments in Cross-Cultural Communications, PR and Social Media, a new book by Silvia Cambié and Yang-May Ooi, explores the cross-cultural challenges facing communicators, shows them how to provide strategic advice and helps senior executives engage effectively with stakeholders in different parts of the world.

In this FIR Interview with Neville Hobson, the co-authors describe the book and highlight its contents, discuss how their own backgrounds and experiences influenced their approach to writing the book, talk about their favourite case study examples from different countries and provide some thoughts on who would benefit from reading it.

International Communications Strategy was published in the UK on July 3; it will be published in the USA in August 2009. The book has been nominated for the Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year 2009 award, the winner of which will be announced in September.

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About our Conversation Partners

yangmay-silvia-090710sm Silvia Cambié (right in photo) has 16 years experience in international communications, business journalism and public affairs, and is fluent in five languages. Her career includes reporting from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union for major British and German print media as well as managing communications for Brussels-based international trade associations.

Silvia is now based in London where she runs Chanda Communications and advises clients on stakeholder relations, strategic communication and social media. She blogs about cross-cultural communication at X-Culture and serves on the boards of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and The International Alliance for Women (TIAW).

Yang-May Ooi (left in photo) is a writer specializing in cross-cultural issues and social media. She grew up in Malaysia and now lives in London where she runs her cross-cultural blog Fusion View, an East-West view on people, society and technology.

Yang-May has many years of senior executive experience working in local government and corporate environments as a lawyer. She currently works part-time in a management role in a financial institution in the City where she has developed and facilitated a blog for  the housing finance sector.

International Communications Strategy by Silvia Cambié and Yang-May Ooi
Publisher: Kogan Page
Hardcover: 256 pages
Published: July 2009 (UK), August 2009 (USA)
ISBN: 9780749453299

Available now online from Amazon UK and from good terrestrial booksellers.

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(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

13 responses to “FIR Interview: Silvia Cambie and Yang-May Ooi”

  1. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @XCulture @fusionview the FIR Interview podcast with you two and the new book is up! [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  2. [Blog] FIR Interview: Silvia Cambie and Yang-May Ooi

  3. @XCulture @fusionview the FIR Interview podcast with you two and the new book is up!

  4. FIR Interview: Silvia Cambie and Yang-May Ooi: Globalization and the rise of emerging-market multinationals are ..

  5. […] has now uploaded the podcast interview on iTunes and his blog – so if you’d like to listen to our discussion, please do go and check it […]

  6. […] has now uploaded the podcast interview on iTunes and his blog – so if you’d like to listen to our discussion, please do go and check it […]

  7. RT @jangles FIR Interview: Silvia Cambie and Yang-May Ooi —

  8. XCulture (Silvia Cambie) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Many tx 2 @jangles for doing a podcast with me and @fusionview about the release of our book [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  9. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @XCulture my pleasure, Silvia, great talking to you and @fusionview. [link to post] And the cat is just fine, thanks :)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  10. Many tx 2 @jangles for doing a podcast with me and @fusionview about the release of our book

  11. Silvia Cambie

    Many tx 2 @jangles for doing a podcast with me and @fusionview about the release of our book

  12. @XCulture my pleasure, Silvia, great talking to you and @fusionview. And the cat is just fine, thanks :)

  13. […] had the great pleasure of interviewing Silvia and Yang-May for an FIR Interview podcast in July. Listen to that 34-minute conversation for some real insights into their thinking about the book […]