ftclippingsbutton The Financial Times launched a new service today: online clippings, designed to enable you to capture content from anywhere on the FT website and save it to your clippings account page at FT.com.

If you’re a paying subscriber to the FT, you can also save content from anywhere on the web, not only FT.com – something that adds greatly to the service’s appeal.

I’ve been trying it out and seeing how it compares with my experience with other services on the web that let you capture clips of content, save it online and share it.

Two such services I’ve used for a while come readily to mind – Delicious and Friendfeed.

Rather than write a blog post, I recorded an audio commentary at ipadio with my first impressions 0f the FT’s new service.

Hint: I like FT clippings a lot, especially its sharing functionality, but it won’t replace Friendfeed’s sharing bookmarklet for me.

Give the FT’s service a try for yourself. You might find it’s just what you need.

6 responses to “FT launches online clippings service”

  1. Danny Whatmough avatar

    Thanks Neville – a very useful overview.

    Personally, I am still using Google Reader’s starred and shared items as my bookmarking tool of choice and the applet I am using to quickly add things to this is Feedly – the applet sits in the bottom right of the screen at all times allowing me to star, share, tweet or email.

    If you haven’t tried Feedly, you should take a look.

    I welcome the FT’s entrance to this space – I think it will encourage more mainstream adoption of social bookmarking, but agree with you that there are other services out there that already do a better job for the advanced user.

  2. [Blog] FT launches online clippings service http://tinyurl.com/mq2kv8

  3. benrmatthews (Ben Matthews) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @jangles FT launches online clippings service — NevilleHobson.com [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  4. RT @jangles FT launches online clippings service — NevilleHobson.com http://bit.ly/Do5W9

  5. Paratus

    RT @jangles FT launches online clippings service — http://bit.ly/Do5W9

  6. RT @jangles FT launches online clippings service — http://bit.ly/Do5W9