markstory If you listen to FIR episode #504, you’ll hear a report filed by a new correspondent – long-time listener Mark Story who’s based in Washington, DC.

Mark is Director of New Media at the US Securities and Exchange Commission. He’s been the architect behind some interesting public experimentation with social media by the SEC including a Twitter account and live-tweeting an SEC press conference.

As a contributor to FIR, Mark’s no stranger. In his guise as Adjunct Professor at Washington’s Georgetown University, he used FIR as a study example for his students who contributed comments to shows in October 2007 and again in October 2008.

Mark will be contributing occasional reports from his personal perspective as a senior communicator working in the heart of the US federal government. (It’s worth emphasizing that what Mark is doing with FIR is in his personal capacity and does not suggest any endorsement by the SEC nor that he’s doing this in any official capacity.)

We’re thrilled to have Mark as part of the FIR family, joining Shel and Neville plus regular correspondents Dan York (in New England) and Michael Netzley (Singapore), as well as occasional contributors Eric Schwartzman (Los Angeles), David Phillips (UK) and Sallie Goetsch (Bay Area).

Welcome aboard, Mark!

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

9 responses to “Introducing new FIR reporter Mark Story”

  1. Hobson: Introducing new FIR reporter Mark Story: If you listen to FIR episode #504, you’ll hear a report filed b…

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  3. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

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    [Blog] Introducing new FIR reporter Mark Story [link to post] #fb #in

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  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson and prblogs, AllThingsM. AllThingsM said: Introducing new FIR reporter Mark Story […]

  6. AllThingsM (AllThingsM) avatar

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    Introducing new FIR reporter Mark Story [link to post]

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  7. Mark Story avatar

    Thanks so much for posting this, Neville. I have two things to live up to:

    One, the high standard that other FIR correspondents have set amd two, your request for WEEKLY contributions!! (heh.).

    Thanks very much.


    1. neville avatar

      You’re weclome, Mark. Just really thrilled to have you part of FIR!

  8. RT @jangles Introducing new FIR reporter Mark Story |