Content summary: Neville’s in Berlin (home of his birth); Voce Communications’ Doug Haslam fills in. Doug and Shel chat about the Pan Mass Challenge and baseball, including the Chicago Cubs’ attempts to finalize an advertising deal with Toyota. Dan York reports on Facebook’s introduction of a weekly update for fan page administrators. Media Monitoring Minute on Reuters’ social media policy. News That Fits: Another interview-style keynote at South by Southwest (SxSW) – this one with Twitter’s Ev Williams – bombs, mommy bloggers unite in outrage over New York Times coverage of a mommy blogger conference that wasn’t so bad, a Wall Street Journal article questions the value of social media for small businesses, Eric Schwartzman reports from SxSW, an Australian study finds 55% of news in newspapers comes from PR sources; music from Amelia White.
About our guest co-host:
Doug Haslam is a Supervisor within the Voce Connect team. He joined Voce in 2010, bringing two decades of radio, PR, marketing and social media experience to the team. Doug’s track record prior to arriving at Voce included successful PR and social media programs for companies in the media, Internet, technology infrastructure and consumer spaces, and is a recognized fixture of the Boston social media scene. Outside of Voce, Doug spends time with his wife and son just outside of Boston, and cycles across Massachusetts every year, raising money to fight cancer in the Pan-Mass Challenge. Doug blogs at Voce Nation and, and his Twitter ID is simply DougH.
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For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, for March 18, 2010: A 67-minute podcast recorded live from Concord, California, USA, and and Winter Park, Florida, USA.
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So, until Monday March 22…
(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)
6 responses to “The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #535: March 18, 2010”
[Blog] The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #535: March 18, 2010 #fb #in
Better late than never: just x-posted FIR 535. It's hefty but good :)
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[Blog] The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #535: March 18, 2010 [link to post] #fb #in
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Better late than never: just x-posted FIR 535. It’s hefty but good :) [link to post]
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Hobson: The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #535: March 18, 2010: Content summary: Neville’s in Berlin (home of …
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The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #535: March 18, 2010 [link to post]
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