IABC – the International Association of Business Communicators – launched the beta version of the member-only service Discovery at the World Conference in Toronto, Canada, earlier this month.

iabcdiscovery According to the Discovery site, "Discovery is a powerful, new, online tool that will help you find the content you need – fast. More than a search engine, Discovery is a gateway to a vast array of business communication best practices, templates, research, how-to information and more. It’s your virtual library and librarian in one, taking just seconds to give you what you need."

In this FIR video interview, IABC’s Operations SVP and CIO Chris Hall and Publishing VP Natasha Nicholson offer a guided tour of Discovery at the IABC booth at the world conference.

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(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

17 responses to “FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery”

  1. [nh.com] FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery http://goo.gl/fb/QAhzI

  2. [Blog] FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery http://tinyurl.com/28292aj #fb #in #iabc

  3. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

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    [Blog] FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery [link to post] #fb #in #iabc

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  4. FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery http://bit.ly/bFtUN2

  5. AllThingsM (AllThingsM) avatar

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    FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery [link to post]

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  6. Hobson: FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery: IABC – the International Assoc… http://bit.ly/9zMc5Y

  7. FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery http://bit.ly/9yatJI

  8. FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery http://bit.ly/bdMYBk

  9. Heather Turbeville

    RT @Jenniferwah: RT @jangles: [Blog] FIR Interview: Chris Hall and @natnicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery http://tinyurl.com/28292aj # …

  10. RT @jangles: [Blog] FIR Interview: Chris Hall and @natnicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery http://tinyurl.com/28292aj #fb #in #iabc

  11. Jenniferwah (Jennifer Wah) avatar

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    RT @jangles: [Blog] FIR Interview: Chris Hall and @natnicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery [link to post] #fb #in #iabc

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  12. RT @Jenniferwah: RT @jangles: [Blog] FIR Interview: Chris Hall and @natnicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery http://tinyurl.com/28292aj # …

  13. HTurbeville (Heather Turbeville) avatar

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    RT @Jenniferwah: RT @jangles: [Blog] FIR Interview: Chris Hall and @natnicholson demonstrate IABC Discovery [link to post] #fb #

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  14. FIR Interview: Chris Hall and Natasha Nicholson demonstrate IABC …: Previous post: FIR Speakers and Speeches: Me… http://bit.ly/cqK4R3

  15. Chris Hall and Natahsa Nicholson demonstrate #IABC discovery http://dld.bz/h8fw #pr

  16. RT @sherrilynne: Chris Hall and Natahsa Nicholson demonstrate #IABC discovery http://dld.bz/h8fw #pr

  17. […] missed the demonstration of Discovery, IABC’s next-generation online library, take a look at Neville Hobson’s post (and watch the […]