delllogosm Does your organization have someone whose prime role is to listen to what people are saying about you online and then know what to do with the results of that listening? Dell does, with ‘chief listeners.’

Dell sees chief listeners as critical to making sure the right people in the organization are aware of what conversations on the web are saying about them, so that relevant people in the business can connect with customers.

In this FIR Interview, hosts Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz talk with Dell’s Susan Beebe  – one of two Chief Listeners at the company – and Richard Binhammer about the Chief Listener role, what it entails, how it works at Dell and what other organizations can consider for keeping the right people in the organization connected with people engaged in conversations online.

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About our Conversation Partners

susanbeebe Prior to joining Dell as a social media Chief Listener, Susan Beebe was a digital media branding consultant, conference speaker, published author and startup advisor. She has worked in global corporations, startups and everything in between.

Back in 1996 during the dot-com boom, she launched, developed and matured a startup firm that provided high-end technology services and full IT organizational outsourcing to municipal governments, law firms, court systems, hospitals, clinics, non-profits and some niche small business clients. Business revenue grew five-fold in only two years. Additionally, she led the effort to develop an all new supply chain and delivery system for the launch of branded desktops, servers and laptop systems.

Susan is a UCLA law grad, certified MCSE: Security & Messaging engineer and a certified global project manager (PMP) with 15+ years in the IT industry. She has performed globally complex and challenging projects and enjoys delivering quality results. You can find Susan on Twitter @SusanBeebe.

dell-richardbinhammer[1] Richard Binhammer is a senior manager in corporate communications at Dell’s headquarters in Round Rock, Texas, USA. His career has developed from provincial and federal politics in Canada and (mostly) successful election campaigns, as well as lobbying, to corporate communications in the USA, with a little art, photography, good friends and different cities/regions to explore and enjoy along the way.

At Dell, Richard plans and implements strategic corporate communications to achieve business success and support/build corporate reputations. Most recently his responsibilities include new efforts in social media. He is experienced in positioning diverse business sectors, senior corporate executives, government officials and community leaders with key constituent groups, including extensive media relations and campaign/issues management

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(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

7 responses to “FIR Interview: Susan Beebe and Richard Binhammer on Chief Listeners at Dell”

  1. [Blog] FIR Interview: Susan Beebe and Richard Binhammer on Chief Listeners at Dell #fb #in

  2. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    [Blog] FIR Interview: Susan Beebe and Richard Binhammer on Chief Listeners at Dell [link to post] #fb #in

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  3. Podcast interview of @richardatdell & @susanbeebe on Dell's social listening program. Nice job @shelholtz @jangles

  4. RT @jaybaer: Podcast interview of @richardatdell & @susanbeebe on Dell's social listening program. Nice job @shelholtz @jangles

  5. RT @jaybaer: Pdcast intrview @richardatdell & @susanbeebe on Dell's social listening pgm. Nice job @shelholtz @jangles

  6. Thx!> @jaybaer interview @richardatdell & @susanbeebe on Dell's social listening program. Nice job @shelholtz @jangles

  7. [] FIR Interview: Susan Beebe and Richard Binhammer on Chief Listeners at Dell