bobledrew-firbooksYour FIR co-hosts are delighted to welcome Bob LeDrew as the new editor of our book review feed.

We started the book review podcast as a means by which we can share our views of books related to the themes we cover on FIR: business, communications, PR, social media, and the like. Our first review was posted in December 2006. Here we are four years later, and we have posted a total of eight reviews.

With Bob focusing on book reviews, we hope to do much better. And we hope to get more reviews from our listener community, since you’re always welcome to submit audio content for the show!

Bob plans to publish his first review of the book Deadly Spin, Wendell Potter’s hyper-critical look at the healthcare industry’s use of propaganda to influence the public debate in support of profitability.

Bob is a podcaster, writer, and public relations consultant in Ottawa, Ontario. Bob currently has his own company, Translucid Communications. Before that, he slogged away in the trenches of higher education communications for the better part of a decade, where he dealt with everything from drive-by shootings to cancer breakthroughs to coming up with more ways to break ground or open buildings that you can shake a stick at (and no, shaking a stick wasn’t one of them).

Bob became Canada’s first PR blogger in April 2003 when he started Flacklife. He’s also an avid podcaster, with three podcasts he hosts or co-hosts: The Kingcast, about Stephen King; PR and Other Deadly Sins, with Mark Blevis; and The Contrarians, with Susan Murphy and Joe Boughner. He is a cofounder of the meetup Case Study Jam. When he successfully tears himself away from a computer, Bob immerses himself in making music, cycling, and appreciating good single-malt whisky (there is no bad single-malt, a notion with which Shel agrees entirely, although some are even tastier than others).

We hope you enjoy our new focus on books of interest to the FIR community – and we hope you’ll join in the conversation!

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

8 responses to “Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR’s new book review editor”

  1. [Blog] Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR's new book review editor #fb #in

  2. Neville Hobson

    [] Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR’s new book review editor

  3. Congrats, @bobledrew! RT @jangles Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR’s new book review editor

  4. Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR’s new book review editor

  5. Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR’s new book review editor

  6. Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR’s new book review editor

  7. Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR's new book review editor …: Your FIR co-hosts are delighted to welcome Bob LeDrew …

  8. Introducing Bob LeDrew, FIR's new book review editor …