Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans, by Wendell Potter.
FIR Book Reviews editor Bob LeDrew reviews Deadly Spin by former CIGNA PR executive Wendell Potter.
According to Publisher’s Weekly, Potter exposes the PR pro’s propaganda tricks – fake grass-roots organizations, bogus scientific studies – and recounts his shame-faced repentance." But he also trenchantly critiques the failure of America’s for-profit health-insurance system: the underhanded methods insurers use to "dump the sick"; the skyrocketing premiums and deductibles that put health care beyond the reach of millions; the "obscene salaries executives rake in while denying benefits to patients."
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Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter
Publisher: Bloomsbury Press
Hardcover: 288 pages
Published November 2010
Purchase at Amazon US, Amazon Canada, or Amazon UK.
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7 responses to “FIR Book Review: Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter”
FIR Book Review: Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter
FIR Book Review: Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter
Hobson: FIR Book Review: Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter: Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on …
FIR Book Review: Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter
FIR Book Review: Deadly Spin by Wendell Potter:
Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Cor…
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