Today at about 9am Pacific time, 5pm UK time, we’ll be recording this week’s episode of For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report, as we do every Monday. Today’s episode will be show number 580.

Today also marks the beginning of our sixth year of podcasting: show #1 went out on January 3, 2005. FIR began as a labour of love. It’s still that for us but much more involved now with more to the show than just two co-hosts.

Which is the primary reason for this post today. We’d like to say a huge thank you to our three sponsors:

FIR is brought to you with Lawrence Ragan Communications, serving communicators worldwide for 35 years,

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logo-pollstreamPollstream: helping you transform your communications goals into exciting strategies that will enable you to engage, educate and inform your customers and employees online,

An equal thank you to our two regular reporters:

  • Dan York – based in Keene, New Hampshire, Dan reports on communication from the technologist’s point of view.
  • Michael Netzley – reporting from Singapore on the communication scene across the Asia-Pacific region.

A special thank you to our occasional contributors:

  • David Phillips – occasional reports from the shadows of Stonehenge in England.
  • Eric Schwartzman – occasional reporting from Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world.
  • Sallie Goetsch – doses of now-and-again reality from The Podcast Asylum.
  • Mark Story – insights from behind the scenes at the federal government in Washington, DC.
  • Bob LeDrew – our newest FIR team member hailing from Toronto, Canada, Bob is just starting and will be reviewing books as FIR’s Book Reviews editor.

More special thanks:

  • Donna Papacosta, Heidi Miller and Krishna De – the voices that intro’d and outro’d each episode for many years. Today, it’s Donna’s dulcet tones that grace our show with the details of how to get in touch with us.
  • Lee Hopkins – ‘our man in the Adelaide Hills,’ Lee was our first correspondent, reporting from Australia from 2005 until early 2008.

And not forgetting the active FIR community of listeners in the FIR Room on Friendfeed.

Thank you, everyone!

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

12 responses to “Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you”

  1. [Blog] Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you #fb #in

  2. [] Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you

  3. Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you

  4. RT @CathyBrowne: Congratulations! RT @jangles: [Blog] Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you <- thanks!

  5. Congratulations to @shelholtz and @jangles – 'Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you'

  6. Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you

  7. Hobson: Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you: Today at about 9am Pacific time, 5pm UK time, we’ll be …

  8. 2nd that RT @jodykoehler: Congratulations @shelholtz and @jangles – Starting the 6th year of FIR with a thank you

  9. Starting the sixth year of FIR with a thank you

  10. @jodykoehler @KSukalac @allanschoenberg thank you! /cc @shelholtz

  11. Josh Hallett avatar

    Wow, six years…congrats to you and Shel.

  12. Mitch Joel - Twist Image avatar


    It’s us who should be thank you and Shel.

    On one hand, I have no idea how you do it.

    On the other hand, I don’t care… I’m just glad you’re doing it!