This weekend, European search engine and news portal Wikio will be publishing the latest monthly ranking of technology blogs in the UK. As usual, they’ve given me a sneak peek ahead of publication at the latest top 20 from the full list of the top 100 tech blogs.

Here’s the top 20 list for March 2011 (positions in the ranking compared to the previous month shown in parentheses):

  1. TechCrunch Europe (=)
  2. Geeky Gadgets (+1)
  3. (+2)
  4. Speckyboy (=)
  5. Thoughts from the Sidelines (+1)
  6. (-4)
  7. Design Shack Blog (+7)
  8. Coolest Gadgets (-1)
  9. All About Symbian (+6)
  10. TechRadar (=)
  11. Econsultancy blog (-3)
  12. – UK Gadget News (-1)
  13. dot.Rory (=)
  14. Tech Blog (+7)
  15. Gadget Venue dot com (-3)
  16. Photography Blog (+3)
  17. Blog.Spoon Graphics (+3)
  18. Coding Horror (-9)
  19. Telegraph Blogs – Technology (-3)
  20. eWEEKeurope (-3)

Check Wikio’s ranking methodology for details on how they arrive at the ranking each month. And, if you want to suggest others blogs for inclusion in Wikio’s tech list that aren’t there already, either let me know or apply on the Wikio website.

2 responses to “Top 20 UK tech blogs for March 2011”

  1. Jonathan Gibbs avatar

    Great list indeed! I will check it one by one.


  2. […] are the top 20 for April 2011. Positions relative to last month are shown in […]