There are three terrific social media-focused events taking place in London this week that I’m actively involved with and speaking at.

digitalmarketingforumFirst is The Digital Marketing Forum, a one-day conference organized by Richmond Events, on Wednesday March 16.

I’m leading a presentation session in the morning with Kerry Bridge of Dell that will endeavour to provide some answers related to the question "Is your business bold enough for social culture?" I’m also leading two discussion sessions on "Social media: what price customer loyalty?" These two are discussions so I’ll have no PowerPoint deck!

Fresh from SxSW Interactive in Austin, Texas, keynote speaker at the event is digital analyst, sociologist, and futurist Brian Solis, who recently joined Altimeter Group in Silicon Valley. Brian has posted a synopsis of what he plans to talk about in his keynote.

If you’re planning to be at the event, I look forward to seeing you there. If not, you can keep up with @DigMktForum on Twitter. (There doesn’t seem to be an event hashtag so I’m going to use #DigMktForum11 for any tweets I do.)

huddle3The second event this week is the Dell B2B Social Media Huddle on Thursday March 17, taking place at Google UK’s HQ thanks to Richard Robinson. This is the third such event I’ve helped organize with Kerry Bridge, and it’s focused on using social media effectively in a B2B context.

The event is characterized by its unconference approach with any participants who wants to lead a 25-minute discussion if they’d like to, able to do so.

I’m excited to be chairing the event, not the least reason being is that we have a full house. I’m mostly thrilled because Brian Solis will also be at this event. He’s the prime attraction, as it were, and we’ll be spending a good part of the time in informal conversation. We’ll be video-recording that session and many others, as well as audio-recording for publication the following week as FIR Speakers & Speeches podcasts, just as we did in previous huddles (eg, this unconference session by Rob Shimmin last year will give you an idea of what to expect). If you tweet, blog, etc, about the event please use the hashtag #dellb2b.

During the afternoon, Brian will be signing copies of his latest book, Engage!

delltweetupFinally, time with Brian continues at the tweetup we’ve organized for Thursday evening in London. This is open to all and is a great opportunity to mix and chat informally and meet Brian.

If you’d like to be there, register asap – very few spaces are left now.

What a great week this is!

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