canyouthinkofanyblogsLast week, Michael Netzley asked me if I could think of any blogs which might be a good role model for a university president.

Michael – who is a lecturer at the Singapore Management University and a contributor to the FIR podcast – didn’t give me much more information as you can see from his tweet. So I’m working on a number of assumptions as to the type of content the university president might be interested in, as well as content that Michael might suggest to him, all focusing on the themes of business, communication and technology as I suspect would be appealing to the president of a management university.

I’ve not influenced my choices by cultural differences from Singapore to Europe or North America. If anything, I’ve endeavoured to take an internationalist view, and I’ve focused more on niches with rich content than only the well-known and usual suspects that might populate a typical listing of recommended blogs that cover business, communication and technology.

So with those aspects in mind, here are ten blogs that I have in my RSS reader that I think could be a good role model for a university president:


  • GigaOM – "One of the most credible and insightful voices at the intersection of business and technology." [Subscribe]
  • The Economist / Banyan – "In this blog, our Asia correspondents and our Banyan columnist provide comment and analysis on Asia’s political and cultural landscape." [Subscribe]
  • FT Business Blog – "This blog is mainly about business and strategy and how and why people who run companies take the decisions that they do," written by John Gapper in New York and Andrew Hill in London. [Subscribe]


  • – "Among the world’s leading business and marketing online resources, ranking among the top 1% of all blogs tracked by Technorati." [Subscribe]
  • IR Web Report – "Founded in 2001, we are the world’s leading source of information about online investor relations communications." [Subscribe]
  • Seth Godin’s Blog – Read Godin’s content and you’ll look at you and your business in a different light. [Subscribe]
  • Social Media Today – "An independent online community for professionals in PR, marketing, advertising, or any other discipline where a thorough understanding of social media is mission critical." [Subscribe]


It’s hard to pick only ten. So let’s add a bonus that embraces all three categories by virtue of the types of content you find: Neville’s PR Blogs RSS – Content from 60+ PR blogs in UK, continental Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, aggregated into a single RSS feed. [Subscribe]

What others would you add to such a list?