thebuisnessofinfluenceThe Business of Influence by Philip Sheldrake provides answers to the pressing questions facing everyone in business in this digital age. Full of perceptive thought leadership, this book offers a framework to help shape an organization’s structural and cultural design.

This framework, the Influence Scorecard, builds on the Balanced Scorecard and similar business performance management approaches.

"Today, every organization is in the influence business," says David Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR and the new hit Real-Time Marketing & PR, in an endorsement in the book’s cover. "We influence customers to buy from us, employees to work for us, and the media to write about us. Gone are the days when you could be your own island. Now, to be successful, you need to live within the influence ecosystem and that requires a change of mindset. Fortunately, Philip Sheldrake will show you how."

FIR co-host Neville Hobson was at the launch of The Business of Influence in London on April 21 and talked to author Philip Sheldrake about the book.

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About our Conversation Partner

philipsheldrakePhilip Sheldrake is a Chartered Engineer, a Founding Partner of Meanwhile, the venture marketers, a Main Board Director of Intellect, the UK trade association for the technology industry, and Board Director of 6UK, a government backed non-profit to promote adoption of the new Internet protocol in the UK.

He co-founded an award-winning PR consultancy at the end of the 90s, selling it to W2 Group, a Massachusetts based marketing services group, to become the European HQ of W2’s PR company, Racepoint.

Philip authored The Social Web Analytics eBook 2008, and the digital marketing chapter of The Marketing Century, a book celebrating the centenary of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. He chairs the Chartered Institute of Public Relations group on measurement and evaluation, presents CIPR TV, and designs and chairs Internetome, the Internet of Things Conference.

Connect with Philip on Twitter: @sheldrake.

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This podcast was first published as an FIR Audioboo podcast on April 21. It was recorded on an HTC Desire smartphone using the Audioboo app for Android.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)