Canadian communicator Donna Papacosta – and the voice that guides you on how to comment on FIR – delivered an All-Star presentation at the IABC 2011 World Conference that took place June 12-15 titled “Fascinate Your Audience with Digital Storytelling.” Donna has graciously permitted us to share the audio of her session on FIR, along with a PDF of the presentation.

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About Donna Papacosta

donnapapacostaDonna Papacosta of Trafalgar Communications, based in the Toronto area, works with clients all over the world, helping them to communicate with employees, customers and prospects. A former systems analyst and magazine journalist, Donna has combined her love of communications and technology into a thriving independent practice since 1985. Her roster of clients includes major manufacturers, leading organizations in healthcare and information technology, nonprofits, universities, government agencies, small- to mid-sized businesses and more. Donna writes, produces multimedia content, consults, speaks and runs workshops and web-based seminars.

Reach Donna on Twitter at @donnapapacosta.

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(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)