episode1firShel Holtz and I mark a milestone today as January 3 is the anniversary of the first episode of The Hobson & Holtz Report podcast which we started together on this date in 2005.

As we said in the latest episode of the show, which we recorded yesterday, today we begin our seventh year of podcasting. We tweeted that metric, Facebooked it and Google Plused it. Got nice messages back from fans. Great stuff, we love you all. :)

Except the anniversary number is wrong.

After we published the show yesterday, our friend and US East Coast correspondent Dan York gently highlighted our total lack of mathematical sense in an email with a formula simple enough that we can easily see the error of our ways:

Jan 3, 2006 – end of 1st/ start of 2nd
Jan 3, 2007 – end of 2nd/start of 3rd
Jan 3, 2008 – end of 3rd/start of 4th
Jan 3, 2009 – end of 4th/start of 5th
Jan 3, 2010 – end of 5th/start of 6th
Jan 3, 2011 – end of 6th/start of 7th
Jan 3, 2012 – end of 7th/start of 8th

So, today we start our eighth year of podcasting, not the seventh.

Thanks, Dan ;) I completely echo and fully resonate with Shel’s reply to Dan:

My math skills should make it obvious why I went into communication.

And to conclude this post on a more serious note, thanks to everyone who forms part of the FIR community – our sponsors, correspondents and listeners.

If you’ve not listened to our podcast before, give us a try with episode 632 we recorded yesterday. You can check out the full range of podcasts in the FIR series over on the FIR website – the main show as well as the occasional interviews, reviews and more.

Thanks to you all for your tremendous support during these past seven years. On with the eighth!