If you moderate or participate in tweet chats, you know how frantic they can be. In a lively discussion, you can get a constant firehose of tweets pouring at you over the course of the chat, often an hour or so.
Capturing the full flood of Twitter chat is no easy task. There are workarounds (eg, copy tweets and paste periodically into a text editor, or use Storify) yet most if not all are pretty manually intensive.
As a continuing advocate and lover of RSS feeds, it’s great to learn of a simple and easy way to use RSS to automatically capture all tweets in a chat, and in a way that gives you the rich wholeness of a tweet: links to content and to the tweeter’s profile.
Here’s the how-to:
[…] Academic librarian Valerie Forrestal has documented a simple way to score RSS feeds for any Twitter search result, i.e. for hashtags. Following her cheat sheet, we see that it’s simple matter of plugging in the search keyword into this formula:
http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=%23hashtagReplace the bold “hashtag” with your own keyword, drop this URL into an RSS reader, and you’ve got yourself a continuous RSS feed of that hashtag.
I set this up on a tweet chat I facilitated yesterday – http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=%23dellsmbchat – and it works perfectly. I have that feed plugged into FeedDemon on my Windows desktop, with the feed properties set to keep 500+ tweets so I can capture all of yesterday’s discussion.
Nice tip from +Mark Sample, assistant professor of literature and new media at George Mason University.
Embedded Link
Hacking an RSS Feed for Twitter Hashtags – ProfHacker – The Chronicle of Higher Education
EKG Reading Twitter has made it increasingly difficult to use RSS as a way to read individual user streams, and more crucially, hashtag streams. Perhaps this is not entirely Twitter’s fault, as RS…
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7 responses to “How to hack an RSS feed from a Twitter hashtag”
Or you could just use http://tweetchat.com/ to follow a hashtag.
+Jonathan Black sure, to follow and participate, that's what I do. Not good for actually capturing tweets.
Um… I dunno about that. There might be a way to capture them from that feed. I haven't used it in a long time.
RT @jangles: How to hack an RSS feed from a Twitter hashtag: If you moderate or participate in tweet chats, you know how fran… http:/ …
RT @mattrhodes: Useful >> RT @jangles: How to hack an RSS feed from a Twitter hashtag: http://t.co/l5Y7uPY7
RT @jangles: How to hack an RSS feed from a Twitter hashtag: If you moderate or participate in tweet chats, you know how fran… http:/ …