The next meeting of the FIR Book Club is on the calendar:

Friday June 29, 2012
2pm EDT / 7pm UK / 11am PDT

Gini Dietrich is co-author (with Geoff Livingston) of Marketing in the Round. Order the book (hardcover or Kindle edition) so you can read it before the call!

ginidietrichGini Dietrich is the founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich, a Chicago-based integrated marketing communication firm. She also is the founder of the professional development site for PR and marketing pros, Spin Sucks Pro.

Gini is the author of the PR and marketing blog, Spin Sucks, which is a 2012 Cision Top 100 Blog, the 2010 and 2011 Readers Choice Blog of the Year, a Top 42 Content Marketing Blog from Junta42, a top 10 social media blog from Social Media Examiner, and an AdAge Power 150 blog.

She delivers numerous keynotes, panel discussions, coaching sessions, and workshops across North America and Europe on the subject of using online technology in communication, marketing, sales, and HR. One of the top rated communication professionals on the social networks, Gini was recently named the number one PR person, according to Klout and TechCrunch, on the channels, and number one on Twitter, according to TweetLevel. She also can be found writing at Crain’s Chicago Business and in various PR and marketing blogs and publications.

Join Gini for a lively chat with FIR Book Review Editor Bob LeDrew and participate in the conversation! Details are on the TalkShoe Book Club site.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

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8 responses to “Gini Dietrich is guest for the next FIR Book Club”

  1. […] Gini Dietrich is guest for the next FIR Book Club The next meeting of the FIR Book Club is on the calendar: Friday June 29, 2012 2pm EDT / 7pm UK / 11am PDT Gini Dietrich is co-author (with Geoff Livingston) of Marketing in the Round. Order the book … […]

  2. Jim Connolly avatar

    I look forward to the interview, Neville.

    Gini was kind enough to send me a copy of the book and I loved it.