Today marks the seventh year I’ve been on Twitter. And this post marks that milestone to the minute as I signed up and posted my first tweet at 12.48pm UK time on December 7, 2006.

7 years, 68.6K tweets and 12,160 followers later, I see Twitter as part of the online plumbing, as it were – a tool, a channel, all things to all 300 million of us now who use it, whether to listen or to talk, to engage in dialogue or simply to broadcast in the manner of behaviours of old when it was just the media who could do that.

Quite a few milestones mark these seven years, in different ways for different people and events.

A History of Twitter [Mashable]

Twitter is word of mouth writ as large or as small as you want to make it.

I wonder where we will be in seven more years.

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