The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) has announced that five members will join the class of Fellows, the highest honour the association bestows on its members. Today, May 9, all five will join FIR co-host Shel Holtz for a session of FIR Live.

The 2014 class of Fellows includes:

  • John Deveney, ABC, Sr. Counsel, Deveney Communication
  • Tamara Gillis, ABC, Ph.D, Professor, Elizabethtown College
  • George McGrath, Principal, McGrath Business Communications
  • D. Mark Schumann, ABC, Senior Vice President, The Segal Group
  • Jennifer Wah, ABC, Principal, Forwords Communication

Brad Whitworth, ABC, IABC Fellow, will also participate in the free-ranging conversation about the state of communication and the meaning of the Fellow designation.

The conversation will be held on a Google+ Hangout on Air, which you can view live on the FIR YouTube channel starting at 11am Pacific | 2pm Eastern | 7pm UK time today. Afterwards, the session will be available as a YouTube video (which we’ll post to the FIR website) and as an audio file distributed via the usual FIR feeds.

The new Fellows will be recognized at next month’s IABC World Conference in Toronto.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

7 responses to “FIR Live returns with IABC’s 2014 class of Fellows”

  1. […] new Fellows participating in the conversation include include John Deveney, ABC; George McGrath; Mark Schumann, ABC; and Jennifer Wah, ABC. Brad […]