FIRIntro: A big shout-out to new business podcaster, Stephen Waddington; Shel moderating a WOMMA webinar on May 20;

Quick News: Welcome to Heathrow’s “Terminal Samsung Galaxy S5”, Target’s CMO responds on LinkedIn to employee rant published to Gawker, Wired and Cisco collaborate on crowd sourced tablet magazine, the drawbacks to publicity; Ragan promo;

News That Fits: The persuasive pressure of peer rankings; Michael Netzley’s Asia Report: Coca-Cola uses drones to deliver drinks and appreciation to migrant workers in Singapore; the benefits and risks of hiring people with social influence; the Media Monitoring Minute with CustomScoop; listener comments from the FIR Podcast Community on Google+; is the marketing funnel dead?; six new shows during the past week on the FIR Podcast Network; Dan York’s Tech Report: the FCC ruling on Net Neutrality, the EU’s “right to be forgotten” ruling against Google, and more; Igloo Software promo; should companies monitor their employees’ social media?;

Music from Mario Tomic; and more.

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Messages from our sponsors: FIR is brought to you with Lawrence Ragan Communications, serving communicators worldwide for 35 years,; Save time with the CustomScoop online clipping service: sign up for your free two-week trial, at; Igloo Software, providers of an intranet you’ll actually like, delivered securely with our cloud platform: learn more at

For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report for May 19, 2014: A 92-minute podcast recorded live from Wokingham, Berkshire, England, and Concord, California, USA.

Links to websites, blog posts and other content we discuss in the show are posted as Delicious bookmarks to facilitate your connection with the discussions and sharing of that content.

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So, until Monday May 26…

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

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