FIR InterviewsA special report on trends and challenges facing internal communicators drew on the observations of nine internal communications experts, including Peter Shankman, Gini Dietrich, Susan Cellura, Steve Kaus, and FIR co-host Shel Holtz.

The report, available for free from Red E App – a mobile tool that connects employees and organizations across a variety of dimensions – addresses eight distinct problems and six solutions.

In this FIR interview, Shel talks with Red E App co-founder and CEO Jonathan Erwin about the report, Internal Communications 2015, and some of its key findings.

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About our Conversation Partner

Jonathan ErwinJonathan Erwin is the co-founder and CEO of Red e App, an enterprise mobile platform that enables businesses to create a private or semi-private mobile network, allowing them to instantly communicate to the mobile device of their audience.

Jonathan has served in strategic sales, marketing and executive roles within the technology marketplace for over 20 years. His experience, coupled with his vision and dedication to service and thoughtful communication, has led him to create, develop and bring the Red e App mobile platform to market.

You can reach Jonathan on Twitter at @JonathanCErwin.

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This FIR Interview is brought to you with Lawrence Ragan Communications, serving communicators worldwide for 35 years. Information:

Podsafe music – On A Podcast Instrumental Mix (MP3, 5Mb) by Cruisebox.

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

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