Month: June 2015
FIR #814: You’re Underusing LinkedIn
Intro: Welcome to Linked Conversations host Chuck Hester, our final guest co-host as Neville’s month-long hiatus draws to a close. Quick News: How Apple won a PR victory with help from Taylor Swift, one of Hollywood’s biggest publicity agencies gets…
#FC15 Call to Action: Let the journey begin
One of the difficulties for an event that’s intended to look at the future of communication is delivering on the promise and expectation established in the description of and communication about the event. FutureComms15 in London – hashtag #FC15 –…
FIR #813: Periscope in PR, News and Politics
Intro: Welcome to Higher Education host Kevin Anselmo, who takes over the co-hosting chair while Neville enjoys his month-long hiatus. Quick News: FIFA’s communications director resigns as the crisis continues, Google will spotlight sites that load slowly in its mobile…
Shell’s big QR code experiment
When I called in to a Shell station in Reading on Saturday to fill up my car with fuel, I noticed this banner attached to the side of the pump I was using. “Fill up and go here with our…